Multiple intelligences

CSHS- Addressing Multiple Intelligences for Mastery of Content

  • Gather the Vanguard Team

    Gather the Vanguard Team
    This meeting will bring together Admin, Professional Development Specialists, and site teachers to create a presentation for site staff that outlines the vision for piloting this approach through the semester.
  • Finalizing Presentation and Create SWOT

    Finalizing Presentation and Create SWOT
    Team will finalize the presentation and framework for implementing differentiated lessons and assessments and teacher support options. SWOT chart will assist in identifying areas of support for the project as well as areas of contention.
  • Introduce the Multiple Intelligences Project

    Introduce the Multiple Intelligences Project
    In a presentation to the entire staff, Administration, Professional Development Specialists, and teachers already implementing assignments that address this growing trend will disseminate the benefits and give examples of varying the delivery of lessons/ lectures, assignments, and assessments so that students can more accurately demonstrate their grasp of content when given avenues of approach towards demonstrating mastery.
  • Department Meeting

    Department Meeting
    Teachers create lessons and assessments that are creative, varied, and address the different ways students learn & process information, understanding that, as Howard Gardner himself stated, “multiple intelligences should not, in and of itself, be an educational goal.” Thus, a multiple intelligence approach should be a means to an end (mastery), and not the end itself.
    Teachers then create varied lessons and assessments that are to be implemented. Results are shared @ next Dept Meeting.
  • Period: to

    Implementation of Differentiated Instruction and Assessment

    Teachers will start to differentiate their lessons and assessments as appropriately as they can to address the multiple intelligences of the students in their classrooms as it pertains to the material, adhering to the 3 tenets of:
    1. Give students multiple ways to access information
    2. Individualize your lessons (avoid 1-size-fits-all lessons)
    3. Incorporate the arts into your lessons
  • Dept. Meeting to Review Lesson Outcomes and CFAs

    Dept. Meeting to Review Lesson Outcomes and CFAs
    After the 1st week of implementing an approach towards engaging multiple intelligences, teachers share their results with support team and identify and share successes and challenges. Support team then coordinate classroom visits with willing teachers, in order to observe, enhance, and provide feedback.
  • Period: to

    Continued Support for Teachers

    Throughout this period, time is set aside in every department meeting to address varied instruction and assessment, and to continue to offer support.
  • Data Collection and Teacher Feedback

    Data Collection and Teacher Feedback
    Only staff are still on campus.
    The pilot team of administrators, educators, and the support team gather for a meeting where the strengths, benefits, challenges, and pitfalls of the Multiple Intelligence Project are discussed. Grades are evaluated for their appropriateness to the mastery of content by students when taught through varied and tailored approaches.
    With this data, the Vanguard team formulates recommendations to the district.