
  • 1093

    The Invaders

    The Muslim Turks were trying to take over the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.
  • 1095

    The problem

    The Arabs took control of Jerusalem. They closed the cities of the Jewish and christian.
  • 1095

    Pope Urban ll responses

    Those who fought in the Crusades would be promised to get a spot in heaven will all sins that were committed forgiven and about 30,000 men took his offer.
  • 1096

    First Crusade

    The troops had no strategy, unprepared troops, and were captured by the Jerusalem.
  • 1147

    Second Crusade

    Saladin took control of Jerusalem and Muslim Turks re-conquer the city
  • 1189

    Third Crusade

    Richard the Lion hearted and two other people failed to recapture Jerusalem and him and Saladin respected each other.
  • 1202

    Fourth Crusade

    Crusades attacked Constantinople, they stole money and other things, burned libraries and destroyed churches.
  • 1212

    Children's Crusade

    Thousands of German and French children tried to reach Jerusalem, many of them died of hunger and some froze to death, and the rest were forced to return home.
  • 1453

    In the end

    The Muslim Turks took a victory and took over Byzantine.