
  • May 17, 1095

    FIrst Crusade

    FIrst Crusade
    Initiated the Byzentine Empire. Causes the Council of Clement which is when the crusaders wanted to recover Jerusalem from the muslims
  • Mar 14, 1148

    The Second Crusade

    The Second Crusade
    Attacked Damasus and was led by the Holy Roman Empire Conrad III
  • Mar 14, 1192

    The Third Crusade

    The Third Crusade
    Led by Richard the Lionheart of England. Made a truce with saladin
  • Mar 14, 1204

    The Fourth Crusade

    The Fourth Crusade
    Flemish advanced to Constantinople. Led by the Fulk of Neil
  • Mar 14, 1221

    The fifth Crusade

    The fifth Crusade
    Led by King Andrew II of hungry
  • Mar 14, 1229

    The Sixth Crusade

    led by the Holy Roman Empire