act 1
Parris finds out about girls in woods. -
Period: to
act 1
Betty freaks out -
act 1
Tituba is beaten and says the Devil made her do witchcraft. -
act 3
John, Giles, Hale, Francis, and Marry Warren go to the court to defend Rebecca, Martha Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor. -
act 3
John gets 91 people's testimony's who defend Elizabeth, Martha, and Rebecca. Judge Danforth calls for the witnesses to be arrested for questioning. -
act 3
Giles brought evidence against Putnam. Judge Hawthorn asks Marry to pretend to faint but she cant do it. -
act 3
John Proctor admits that he had an affair with Abigail, Elizabeth is called for to testify about the affair. Elizabeth ends up lying to protect her husbands name and she is sent back to jail.