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  • Jul 16, 1212

    Battle of Navas de Tolosa

    Battle of Navas de Tolosa
    The battle of Las Navas de Tolosa faced a Christian allied army on July 16, 1212 against the numerically superior army of the Almohad caliph Muhammad an-Nasir in the vicinity of the town of Santa Elena in Jaén.
  • Period: 1217 to 1252

    Ferdinand lll

    Ferdinand III of León and Castile, called "the Holy" (Peleas de Arriba, 1199 or June 24, 12011 -Sevilla, May 30, 1252), was King of Castile between 1217 and 1252 and Leon among 1230 and 1252. Son of Berenguela, Queen of Castile, and of Alfonso IX, King of León, definitively unified during his reign the Castilian and Leonese crowns, which had remained divided since the time of Alfonso VII, who upon his death he distributed them among his children, the infants Sancho and Fernando.
  • 1230

    Definitive union of Castile and León

    Definitive union of Castile and León
    The history of the two kingdoms of Castile and Leon came together again in the year 1230, when Ferdinand III the Saint received from his mother Berengaria (in 1217) the kingdom of Castile and his father Alfonso IX (in 1230) that of Leon.
  • 1244

    Ferdinand lll occupies Jaen

    Ferdinand lll occupies Jaen
    It was in consequence of the defeat of the almohads in the battle of the Navas de Tolosa. He occupied Jaen, Cordoba and Seville between the years (1236-1248)
  • Period: 1252 to 1284

    Alfonso X

    Alfonso X of Castile, called «the Wise», was king of León, Castilla, and of the other kingdoms with which he was entitled between 1252 and 1284. He carried out an active and beneficial economic policy, reforming the currency and the hacienda, granting numerous fairs
  • 1262

    Alfonso X conquers Niebla

    Alfonso X conquers Niebla
    Taifa of Niebla. From 1053 until 1091 it was under the forcible control of Taifa of Seville, by Abbad II al-Mu'tadid. It was finally conquered by the Crown of Castile. In 1262 it was eventually absorbed by Castile.
  • 1273

    Foundation of the mesta

    Foundation of the mesta
    The Honest Council of the Mesta of Alfonso X was created in 1273 by Alfonso X el Sabio, bringing together all the pastors of León and Castilla in a national association and granting them important prerogatives and privileges such as exempting them from military service and witnessing in the trials, rights of way and grazing, etc.
  • Period: 1284 to 1295

    Sancho lV

    Sancho IV of Castile, called "the Brave", was King of Castile between 1284 and 1295. He was the son of King Alfonso X "the Wise" and his wife, Queen Violante of Aragon, daughter of Jaime I "the Conqueror" , King of Aragon.
  • Period: 1295 to 1312

    Ferdinand IV

    Like his predecessors on the throne, Ferdinand IV continued the enterprise of the Reconquest and, although he failed in his attempt to conquer Algeciras in 1309, seized the city of Gibraltar that same year, and in 1312 occupied the plaza Jaén de Alcaudete .
  • Period: 1312 to 1350

    Alfonso XI

    Alfonso XI, who was the son of the Castilian-Leonese monarch Fernando IV and his wife Constanza de Portugal, was king of Castile and León between 1312 and 1350. When his father died, Alfonso XI was only one year old.
  • Oct 30, 1340

    Battle of Salado

    Battle of Salado
    The battle of the Salado was one of the most important battles of the last period of the Reconquest. In it, the combined forces of Castile and Portugal decisively defeated the Benimerines, the last Maghrebi kingdom that would try to invade the Iberian peninsula through battle.
  • 1344

    Alfonso XI occupies Algeciras

    Alfonso XI occupies Algeciras
    The site of Algeciras of 1342 was a warlike enterprise carried out by the Castilian troops of Alfonso XI together with the fleets of Aragon and Genoa during the Reconquest with the aim of conquering Algeciras
  • Period: 1350 to 1369

    Peter I

    Pedro I of Castile (Burgos, August 30, 1334 - Montiel, March 23, 1369), 1 called in the aftermath «the Cruel» by his detractors and «the Just» or «the Justiciero» by his supporters, b He was King of Castile from March 26, 1350 until his death.
  • 1369

    Beginning of the Tratámara dynasty in the Crown of Castille

    Beginning of the Tratámara dynasty in the Crown of Castille
    Henry II founded the dynasty. His father, the king Alfonso XI of Castile, gave him the county of Trastamara in Galicia. Henry II was born in Seville in 1333. I have turned into king of Castile and León when I defeated his step-brother Pedro I in 1369.
  • Period: 1369 to 1379

    Henry ll of Trastámara

    Enrique II of Castile, also known like Enrique de Trastámara, called "the Fratricida" or "the one of the Mercedes" (Seville, 13 of January of 1333 or principles of 1334 - Santo Domingo de la Calzada, 29 of May of 1379), He was King of Castile, the first of the House of Trastámara. It was the fourth of the ten extramarital children of Alfonso XI and Leonor de Guzmán (great-granddaughter of Alfonso IX de León).
  • Period: 1379 to 1390

    John l

    Juan I of Castile was king of Castile from the 29 of May of 1379 to the 9 of October of 1390. He was son of Enrique II of Castile and Juana Manuel de Villena, daughter of Don Juan Manuel. Juan I of Castile was born in Aragon during the exile of his father, who was not yet king.
  • Period: 1390 to 1406

    Henry lll

    Henry III of Castile, called "El Doliente", son of Juan I and Leonor de Aragón, was King of Castile between 1390 and 1406. He succeeded to his death his son, Juan II.
  • Period: 1406 to 1454

    John ll

    Juan II of Castile (Toro, 6 of March of 1405-Valladolid, 22 of July of 1454) was king of Castile between 1406 and 1454, son of the king Enrique III "the Sufferer" and the queen Catherine de Lancáster.
    He was born in Toro, in the palace of the Royal Monastery of San Ildefonso.
  • Period: 1454 to 1474

    Henry lV

    Enrique IV of Castile was king of Castile from 1454 until his death in 1474. Some historians called him contemptuously "the Impotent". He was the son of Juan II and María de Aragón, and paternal brother of Isabel, who proclaimed himself queen at his death, and Alfonso, who disputed the throne in life.
  • Period: 1474 to 1504

    Isabel l

    Isabel I of Castile was queen of Castile from 1474 to 1504, queen consorte of Sicily from 1469 and of Aragon from 1479, by its marriage with Fernando de Aragón. Also it exerted like Mrs. of Vizcaya, independent territory by then but that had happened to be governed by the crown of Castile.
  • Period: 1475 to 1479

    Civil war in Castile

    The First Castilian Civil War was a conflict that took place between the supporters of King Pedro I of Castile, the Cruel for the nobility or the Justiciero for the common people, and the supporters of Henry II of Castile.
  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada

    Conquest of Granada
    The war of Granada was the set of military campaigns that took place between 1482 and 1492, undertaken by Queen Elizabeth I of Castile and her husband King Ferdinand II of Aragon