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Critical Junctures in My Life

  • Birth

    I was born on Sunday January 10, 1993 in Madison, WI. I am the only child my parents had together. However, my mother went on to have 3 more children with a different partner and my dad went on to have 2 more. I have 5 half-siblings (2 boys, 3 girls).
  • Learn to Read

    Learn to Read
    I taught myself how to read by the age of 3. I did this through following along when my mom read to me and through educational shows like Sesame Street. My love of reading started very young and continues to this day!
  • Start School (Kindergarten)

    Start School (Kindergarten)
    I started school in the fall of 1998. My Kindergarten teacher was named Mrs. Frommeldt. I loved school and learning right from the start.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I got my first job as a crew member at our local Hardee's at the age of 15. I hated that job, but it was a good learning experience.
  • Move Out

    Move Out
    I moved out of my parent's home when I was 17. They were Jehovah's Witnesses and I didn't share their beliefs and decided it was time to be my own person. My Aunt Joanne took me in and I stayed with her until graduation.
  • Graduation

    I graduated from Prairie du Chien High School in 2011. From a young age, I had decided that I wanted to be a teacher, but as I got older I started thinking more practically and during highschool I started looking into careers that paid better salaries. By the time I graduated, I decided to go into nursing and had been accepted into Viterbo University in La Crosse, WI. However, due to events beyond my control, I wasn't able to start college right after high school.
  • Move Away

    Move Away
    That summer after graduation, I moved to La Crosse, WI and rented a house with 8 of my friends. Although it was fun and a valuable learning experience, it turns out that a bunch of 18 year-olds don't make very reliable roommates. We were there for under a year.
  • Move Home

    Move Home
    While I was living in La Crosse, I got a job as a Customer Service Manager at Walmart. Once things fell apart with my roommates, I moved back to my home town, transferred to the Walmart there, and got a place with my then boyfriend.
  • Start a New Job

    Start a New Job
    After I moved back to my hometown, I picked up a part-time job (in addition to Walmart) working with kids with disabilities. It was there that I discovered my passion and began to rethink my future career path. Although it would be several years yet before I went back to school, it was this job that inspired me to consider the field of Special Education. I stayed at that job for 8 years and only left because I moved away from the area.
  • Meeting My Future Fiance

    Meeting My Future Fiance
    I eventually moved on from Walmart (and my ex) and started working at Cabela's. It was there that I met the man who would become my fiance several years down the line. I asked him out on Christmas of 2015!
  • Starting College

    Starting College
    I finally found the motivation and means to go back to school and enrolled in my first semester at UWS. Major: Elementary Education; Minor: Special Education. I have been taking 2 classes a semester since that time. Although I would like to go full-time to finish sooner, 2 classes is all that my schedule allows.
  • Getting Engaged

    Getting Engaged
    My fiance proposed to me after almost 4 1/2 years of dating. We took our motorcycles for a nice scenic ride, stopped and had dinner at a little roadside diner, and then started to make our way home. On the way back, he pulled over, saying that he was cold and had to grab a sweatshirt out of his bags. But he was really pulling out a ring! He was also "testing out" his new GoPro that night, so he caught the whole thing on video!
  • Move Away from my Hometown (again)

    Move Away from my Hometown (again)
    My fiance and I had fallen in love with Portland, OR on visits out there to see some friends of ours and decided we wanted to move there. We made plans, gave notice to our jobs and our landlord, and were all set to leave. BUT the pandemic combined with other factors blew up our plan and we had to come up with a new one quickly. Instead of moving across the country, we moved to Hartland, WI, which is where we are today.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    My fiance and I are living in a small 2 bedroom apartment in Hartland. I'm working as a Customer Service Rep for a printing company to get by until I finish school. I'm still doing 2 classes a semester. AND I'm planning a wedding (Oct 8, 2022!).