Started piano lessons
When I was seven years old, my mom got me signed up for piano lessons. Sometimes I love the practice, sometimes I didn't want to go, but learning piano would impact my future decisions greatly. -
Big band choices
In the end of fifth grade I had to choose an instrument for band the next year. I chose the flute, but they needed more clarinets, so I switched -
Solo and Ensemble
Once I was in band and taking clarinet lessons, my instructors and my mom encouraged me to compete in the solo and ensemble competition. I chose my piece of music and started learning how valuable my practice time was. -
High school band
Around the time I started my freshman year of high school, I was exploring legal practice, and job shadowing judges and attorneys. My experience in high school band and later, in orchestra and choir and marching band, brought me right back to music. -
First year at band camp
I auditioned and got second chair in the more advanced band at camp which was very exciting. Then the clarinet teacher at camp asked if I would like to take lessons with her during the school year. -
Going to state competitions!
In my senior year of high school, I placed high enough to compete at the state level for the solo and ensemble competition. The chamber choir that I was apart of that year also placed so I competed with them as well. -
Started my Music Degree
This was my freshmen year of college when I though I would be a music performance major and started racking up a lot of practice time. -
Changed to a teacher
My advisor, who was also my first clarinet teacher was thrilled when I decided to change my major to instrumental education. I made the change after having my first piano student and realizing how much I loved teaching. -
Advanced standing
After a few semesters, I auditioned to pass advanced standing which means that I could climb the next step to taking my applied clarinet lessons at the 300 level and get the official label of "upper classman" in the music department. -
Becoming a personal care assistant
I started taking care of a little boy with downs syndrome through an independent living agency and working with him inspired me to explore special education. -
Solidified my minor and pursued my license
I decided to go for the new SPED license at UWS and now hope to student teach next fall. I will end up with my degree in music education with a minor in special education.