
  • The Church of Creativity is Founded by Ben Klassen

    The Church of Creativity did not follow a standard theology, but instead used the words of many Fascist leaders that believed in the serration of races as a sort of religious text to justify their own beliefs that should be separate from the rest of the "mud races." They believed that evidence of "their own race was proof of a creator and absolute truth"
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    The Influence of the Organization Spreads

    During this time period, the church became more well known in many southern states in the US. This influence was almost never positive and many crimes were committed by followers in the name of " total war against the Jews and the rest of the goddamned mud races of the world."
  • The Church is Labeled a Hate Group

    The Church was Labeled a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League. This brought it more public attention, and more scrutiny by local governments.
  • Ben Klassen Commits Suicide

    The main figurehead of the religion Ben Klassen committed suicide after mounting pressure from authorities and watch groups had arrested a number of his followers for planned and successful attacks, bombings, and shootings that had been carried out against non-white individuals across the United States.
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    The Church Losses Followers

    With many members being arrested and one of the two main leaders of the group dead, the movement lost much of its following and faded from the major public eye.
  • Matt Hale is Convicted of Soliciting the Murder of a Federal Judge

    Matt Hale was the man who tried to keep the movement going after its first leader past away, but failed to keep it going after he was jailed for ties to the murder of a federal judge
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    The Church Falls Apart

    With no leader to radicalize or lead followers, the church fell apart with many of the "holy books" being moved to the anti-racist Montana Human Rights Network over a period of time. With no literature to practice, there was no more church.