
Creative Events in School

  • American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education

    Established. Goal: "to disseminate knowledge concerning physical education, to improve the methods, and by meetings of the the members to bring those interested in the subject into closer relation to eachother"
  • University of Wisconsin

    Becomes first college to have Dance as a major!
  • Masters and Doctoral

    Graduate writings advocate for dance to be in public schools
  • Period: to


    Rudolph Laban introduced Movement themes; body in space, weight, force, etc.
  • Equal Educational Opportunity Act

    strengthen resources for higher education, increase federal assistance to schools, scholarships
  • Fine Arts now

    Made the switch from Physical Education to Arts
  • Grade school

    More emphasis on the value of dance in school systems
  • Funding fading

    Funding for dance continues to fade and become a topic not at a front. Instead testing becomes more important
  • NDEO

    National Dance Education Organization leading the way in the establishment of certifications, research, and setting standards for the education of the arts in national programs.
  • NO child left behind

    Classes to be taught by those qualified. Dance listed as a core subject.
  • Dance Standards

    Implimented in more than 40 states