History of Creative Dance Education

  • Establishment of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education

    Establishment of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education
    This association was first founded to support gymnastics education in the United States and the establishment of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education marked the beginning of an official, professional domain for physical education.
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    Dance at Columbia University

    As progressive education garnered attention in the beginning of the twentieth century, dance was included in the physical eduation curriculum at Columbia University Teachers College
  • Isadora Duncan Begins Teaching

    Isadora Duncan Begins Teaching
    Isadora Duncan, known for being a pioneer of modern dance and breaking away from the rigid form of ballet, opens her first school of dance for young women in Germany. Later this school will move locations to the United States
  • First University Dance Program Established

    First University Dance Program Established
    Margaret H'Doubler, an early advocate of dance education, created the first university dance program at the University of Wisconsin.
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    Effects of the Great Depression and World War II

    The Great Depression and World War II both contributed to an overall more conservative America where arts education was limited
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik Launch
    The Soviet Union's succesful launch of the first satellite caused the education system in the United States to further cut back on creative and artistic education in favor of math and science.
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    Role of Dance in Schools Begins to Shift

    As a result of the passing of the ESEA and the formation of the NEAH, university dance programs begin to shift from being in the physical education department to being in arts departments.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education act is passed

    The Elementary and Secondary Education act is passed
    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was passed as a part of President Johnson's "war on poverty". The ESEA provides government funding to schools and works to provide equal educational opportunities. The ESEA provided funding for dance education in schools as enrichment activities.
  • National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities is formed

    National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities is formed
    The NEAH was created as an effort to support the arts and humanities in public programs. This allowed dance programs to begin in more schools.
  • Passage of Title IX

    Passage of Title IX
    The passage of Title IX, an anti-discrimnation law in education, in part resulted in the shift of dance from being viewed as physical education to its more current status as an art.
  • Educate America Act signed into law

    Educate America Act signed into law
    The Educate America Act, signed into law by Bill Clinton, set educational goals for schools in America and solidifes dance's place as a core curriculum in schools
  • No Child Left Behind Act signed into law

    No Child Left Behind  Act signed into law
    The No Child Left Behind Act, signed into law by George W. Bush. This act emphasized high acheivement on standardized testing which negatively affected dance programs in education because schools wanted to cut time dedicated to the arts in order to prepare more for testing.