French and Indian war
The French and India war was from 1754-1763. The French and Indian war was caused by them fighting over the Ohio River Valley. The British won and caused the French to be forced out of Colonial America. Although the British won they had paid a great cost. The colonists had to pay off their debt. This is one of the reasons that the American Revolution started, because parliment taxed the colonists. -
The Sugar Act
The sugar act was a tax of three scents put on refined forgein sugar, coffee, certain wine and indigo but banned importation of rum and wine from France. This was the first time the colonists wanted a say in how much they were being taxed but unfortanitly were taxed with out consent. -
The Stamp Act
The stamp act was a tax on stamps, but the thing is every newspaper, pamphlet or legal document had to have a stamp on it. So basically everything that was paper had a stamp that cost money. The colonists reacted in force that sent their message to the government by creating a body called the staamp act congress. Seeing their reaction the government took the tax away but at the same time created the Declatory Act which stated that Britan had all the power no matter what. -
Patrick Henry's speech
Patrick Henry is Known for his speech ending with "give me liberty, or give me death". He was a critic for the stamp act and introduced seven reesolutions to the Virginian House of Burgesses. He was the first governor of Virginia and led the fight for the adoption of the bill of rights. -
Townshend Act
The Townshend Act was a tax on glass, leads,paint, paper, and tea. The colonists acted the same way as they did with the Sugar and Stamp act. Britain eventually took these taxes away except the tea tax. Britian sent more troops out in response to the sometimes violent protests by the colonists. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a street fight with a patriot mob throwing snowballs, sticks, and stones at a squad of British soldiers. Some colonists were killed and this led to a campaign that wanted to rouse the citenzens. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a protest by the Sons of Liberty. SOme of them disguised themselves as Native Americans. They went on a ship that was sent by the East India Company and destroyed the tea by throwing it into the Boston Harbor.This occured because of the Tea Act that taxed tea. This led to the American Revelution because the government responded harshly. -
The Continental Congress
The continental congress was made up of 52 delegates from all 12 continents except georgia. They met in Philadelphia on september 5 in secret so Great Britan didn't know. They met to discuss the Intolerable acts. They continued even through the revolutinary war and finally created the Declaration of Independance. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of paris was signed by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and David Hartley that represent King George 3rd. Peace negotiations started in April 1782 and continued through the summer. The treaty formally ended the American War of Independence. The war became a world conflict where France, Spain and the Netherlands were involved. Franklin and Ray were responsible for the boundary settlements and Adams secured American fishing rights.continued on next event. -
treaty of Paris part two
This treaty led to the creation of the United States because it ended the American War