July 4  05b

Creation of a Nation (TIMELINE)

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Youtube Link In congress the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united states of America.
  • Distribution of the final copies

    The congress which is now set in the region of Maryland, orders signed copies of the decalaration of the independence to all the states.
  • Articles of Confederation (created)

    Articles of Confederation (created)
    Youtube Link The Articles of Confederation was created on Novermber 15th 1777. It was the fist kind of government for the colonies. Due to this event, colonies would remain seperate and independent.
  • Articles of Confederation (ratified)

    Articles of Confederation (ratified)
    After the Articles of Confederation was created, it was finally ratified on March 1st 1781
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Youtube LinkMassachusetts farmers rebelled against foreclosure on property
  • Anapolis Conference

    Anapolis Conference
    Conference was called to doscuss how to fix the government to avoid another revolution.
  • Virginia Plan

    The Virginia Plan was the idea that opposed the New-Jersey Plan. It was written by James Madison and unsuccessfully proposed by Edmund Randolph, in the year of 1787
  • New Jersey Plan

    The plan became the response to Virginia Plan. It was the proposal of the structure of the United States government wich was proposed by William Paterson.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    It was the calshing view of representations of each parliaments in the United Sates of America. It proposed that the representation was needed to be done based on the population.
  • Accomplishments under the article

    Accomplishments under the article
    After the articles were ratifeid, it created the Northwest Territory Act in the year of 1787
  • The US constitution (Created)

    The US constitution (Created)
    The constitution was finally created at september 17th 1787.
  • The US Constitution (ratified)

    The US Constitution (ratified)
    The Constitution was finally ratified in June 21 1788