Creating Seismometers

  • Introduction to Earthquakes

    Describe to students what an earthquake is and why they happen. Students fill information into Interactive Notebooks and pose questions about formation of earthquakes.
  • But how are they measured?

    Gave students a picture prompt full of images of items that can measure other things. Ask how Earthquakes are measured. Students brainstormed in groups.
  • Seismometers

    Investigating seismometers and how they work, why we have them and what scientists use them for. Research in groups.
  • Set Design Challenge

    Plan and Create your own Seismograph using ONLY the following materials. Can be created however you like.
    Sticky Tape
    Shoe Box
  • Presenting Seismometers

    Students present their seismometers and take note of how different/similar the different apparatus look in different groups. Reflect on learning - is it the best it could be?