My mom had several complications through out her pregnancy with me. The scariest thing was that she had been exposed to some stuff at her job at the developmental preschool that could cause still births or serious mental retardation to the unborn child. She also had blood clots and had to take medicine for that that lowered the embryonic fluid. Despite all of the trials that she had to face through the pregnancy I was still born healthy. -
Period: to
Social Referencing
I am the second youngest in my family so I grew up with lots of examples of how to act. I had good ones and bad ones. Some of my cousins got to be picky eaters but my siblings and i weren't allowed to be picky. When we went over to the cousins house we would be allowed to be picky. -
When I was developing my own ideas about the world I would ask “why” all of the time, I learned this from my sister and brother. At some point she started to respond to us by saying "I don't answer why questions." This might not have been the best responds because we kids were figuring out our theory-theory but we learned how to ask better questions that were not simply "why." -
I had a built in play group with my sister and brother, but my favorite play happened when I got to go over to my friend’s house on Sunday afternoons. My sister and brother are both older than me so if we played a game I would always have the subordinate role which was not always fun. My friends were girls my age so playing with them was much more egalitarian and way more fun. -
Wake Up Brother
My brother and I played this game called "wake up brother." He would pretend he was sleeping and I had to get him to wake up which meant getting him to respond to me. It was fun for a little but then it got frustrating because synchrony was not happening and it was not a game anymore to me. All I wanted was for him to respond to me. Serve and respond is really important at a young age but continues to be important throughout life. -
Time-Out and time
I only remember my parents giving me timeout one time at my grandma Bergstrazer’s house, because I hurt the dog. I remember this time also because it was the first time that I understood time. I remember specifically watching the clock change time while I was sitting there, and how time worked clicked for me. -
When I grow up...
The very first thing that I wanted to be when I grew up was a cow, but my mom told me that I couldn't be, she was pretty wise. She told me that I should pick somethings that I would like to do. I really like animals and God so I thought that I would be a Veterinarian, to take care of all of God's animals. The reasoning for my choice and the fact that I made a choice meant that I landed on the side of industry in Erikson’s stages, not inferiority. -
Started my first period at school. Told my mom after school and felt really proud to have entered into woman hood. A lot of other girls had already started so it felt like i was one of the last girls to start, but in reality I started at a normal time. I also grew a lot in the next few years. -
Rather than doing an identity decisions I chose to go to college and postpone Erikson's life stage. I was not going to get my role confused but I also did not want to make a choice about what to do the rest of my life. Trevecca has given me a breadth of subjects to explore and depth in the subject of psychology. -
Prefrontal Cortex
My prefrontal cortex was not fully formed yet and I still was impulsive and didn't think things. This was the last Halloween that I dressed up for and I dressed up as Waldo. Late on this Halloween night after we had gone to our Halloween party we decided that it would be fun to walk down Murfreesboro to the McDonald's and get some food in our costumes. Looking back this was not a smart idea but in the end we were okay. If someone asked me today to do somethings like that I would refuse.