Journal 4
Got cought for drinking, Decides hes going to run away,he packs up his stuff up. -
Period: to
Journal 5
turned off all of the lights -
Journal 6
Begain his journey -
Journal 7
got to river and started to conoe -
Journal 8
He got attacked by a bear -
Journal 9
Crabbe falls off the water fall -
Journal 10
Crabbe got rescued -
journal 11
Crabbe went in her bag. -
Journal 12
Mary gave him a compass and bearings to lead him alone in the
woods to see how he would do for the test. -
Journal 13
Mary gave him a pipe for him to smoke and crabbe started smokeing -
journal 14
crabbe likes mary -
Journal 15
mary doesnt know what she thinks of crabbe -
Journal 16
they went to a camp site -
Journal 17
Mary dies -
Journal 18
Journal 19
Crabbe goes back and gets the bag mary was hiding from him -
Journal 20
Crabbe gets frostbite on his hands and feet -
Journal 22
Crabbes parents went to see crabbe in the hospital. -
Journal 21
Crabbe got 2 fingers amputated