Criminal vs. civil law

Court Cases

  • Waters vs Churchill

    Waters vs Churchill
    In this case, Cheryl Churchill was fired from being a nurse. She was talking to a fellow co-worker about a disagreement that she had with
    head nurse Cindy Water. A bystander nurse overheard the conversation and thought the word by Cheryl was out of line. The bystander tells Cindy about the incident and Cindy fires Cheryl. In the end, Cheryl gets retribution for being fired.
  • United States vs National Treasury Employee Union

    United States vs National Treasury Employee Union
    Congress passed an act that prohibited the treasury employees from accepting an honor for making an appearance, speech or article writing. The employees filed a suit to ban the act and Congress reviewed the decision and decided the act was unconstitutional.
  • Guiles vs Marineau

    Guiles vs Marineau
    A student wore a shirt with inappropriate content on it to protest against President Bush. The school