Brown vs Board of Education
Diana vs State Board of Education
Parc vs Common Wealth of Pennsylvania
Mills vs Board of Education of DC
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities. The ADA also establishes requirements for telecommunications relay services.
The Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) provides publications and other technical assistance on the basic requirements of the ADA. It does not enforce any part of the law. -
Section 504
After Mills vs Washington Section 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination based upon disability. Section 504 is an anti-discrimination, civil rights statute that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non-disabled are met. -
Larry P vs Riles
Rowley vs. Board of Education of Hendrick Hundson Central School District
the Supreme Court rendered its first opinion regarding the contours of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and, importantly, the “free appropriate public education” mandate within it.
The Court opined that the IDEA requires proposed special education and related services to be “reasonably calculated to enable [the student] to receive educational benefits.” The phrase “reasonably calculated” has generally been understood to mean that the IDEA does not guarantee any particulars. -
Irving Independent School District Vs Tatro
(1984) The Court held that provision of clean intermittent catheterization was a “related service” under the IDEA and not a “medical service,” because the service was necessary for the student to attend school. The services requested did not fall within the medical exclusion because they need not be performed by a physician. The Court noted that “Congress sought primarily to make public education available to handicapped children and to make such access meaningful.” -
Burlington School Committee vs Massachusetts Department of Education
Honig vs Doe
explaining that in enacting stay-put, Congress intended “to strip schools of the unilateral authority they had traditionally employed to exclude disabled students from school.” The Court also noted that the IEP is the “centerpiece of the education delivery system” and explained that “Congress repeatedly emphasized throughout the Act the importance and indeed the necessity of parental participation in both the development of the IEP and any subsequent assessments of its effectiveness.” -
Oberti vs Board of Education of the Borough of Clementon
(1990-1993) This case established inclusion with supplementary aids and services as the presumption because it is “a fundamental value of the right to public education for children with disabilities.” It also established that if placement outside the classroom is necessary, the school district must then include the child in as many school programs with children who do not have disabilities “to the maximum extent appropriate.” -
Idea 2004
Individuals w/ Disabilities Education Act is a law ensuring services to children w/ disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education & related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children with disabilities.
Infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Children receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B. -
Schaffer vs Weast
Jacob Winkelman vs Parma City School District