
Course Changing Dates in the History of the American Educational System

  • Brown Vs. Board of Education Decicided

    Brown Vs. Board of Education Decicided
    Brown vs. the Board of Education changed the course of education in America when it decided that separate but equal had no place in education. This decision was monumental in shaping the classrooms of today and began the process of integrating students of all nationalities into functional classroom settings together. This ruling changed the classroom setting for everyone moving forward. (Kelly, M)
  • First Administration of the ACT Test

    First Administration of the ACT Test
    The beginning of the administration of the ACT was the beginning of the standardized testing era and changed the way individuals abilities were viewed. The ACT and the standardized tests that have followed have shown gaps in the academic achievements of wealthier individuals, and white individuals as opposed to those who live in poverty or are minorities. These tests, beginning with the ACT, have opened the door to judging students based on a small segment of their life. (Lindsay, S)
  • TITLE IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 becomes Law

    TITLE IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 becomes Law
    While the passing of Title IX is generally mentioned when discussing the inclusion of women in sports, especially collegiate level sports, however this law fully encompasses the inclusion of women in all of the same educational opportunities as men. Title IX was a major turning point in the education of women and helped to pave the way for equality for women in America. (http://www.britannica.com)
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Passes

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Passes
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act changed the course of education for students with disabilities, it shaped classrooms and began the process of forming equitable education for all students. The passing of this law has created more educational opportunities for students who would have otherwise been left out of the school system and helped to provide life skills and education to help individuals with disabilities live their best, most prosperous life. (Kaplan, L p.159)
  • No Child Left Behind Act Passes

    No Child Left Behind Act Passes
    The passing of the No Child Left Behind Act opened the door for further standardized testing and penalties for not reaching achievement goals. This law has made it harder for teachers to hold students accountable for failing grades and caused teachers to attempt to teach to the test so that schools are able to close achievement gaps. A downside to NCLB is the amount of standardized testing now required of students and teachers, in many ways it has been ineffective. (Lee, A.)