CCCOE provides Leading Edge Certification to interested educations Countywide and regionally
CCCOE continues to be a lead agency regionally by providing LEC opportunities for administrators in the Bay Area Region and beyond. Administrators gain a new set of skills and tools about on-line learning, resources, and research that support 21st century learning for all students. -
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CCCOE 2020 Vision
District-based PLCs
PLC's are supported by the CCCOE to improve student learning and achievement. District administrators and teachers are committed to student learning and utilize the PLC framework to plan for new learning environments and ways to incorporate tecnnology and innovation in the classroom. Teachers work in reframing their "mind-set" towards a new vision for student learning! -
CCCOE Supports Google Sites Development
District level PLCs identify the implementation of Google sites as the next level strategy to promote flip learning, collaboration, creativity and innovation. CCCOE leads the way with coaching and technical assistance for districts in this transition phase. -
Early Childhood Educators join Google Site Initiative
Early childhood education teachers join a cadre of K-16 educators through PLNs supported by the CCCOE. -
STEAM Initiative becomes the focus of Google sites
CCCOE's STEAM Initiative becomes the central foucs of districts implementing Google sites, including preschools. -
Increased Teacher Professional Development
On-line professional development academies are offered to district-level PLCs. Experiential Learning is the corner stone for STEAM academics. PLCs work together to cross-pollinate resources and best-practices. -
Mobile Technology and Experiential Learning Environments
Teachers can survey parents, employers and community stakeholders working with diverse learners about the progress of their learning milestones. Cell phones are used by students and mentors to collect and track learning. CCCOE supports districts with professional development academies for parents to support the home learning environment. -
eTextbooks ONLY
CCCOE supports curriculum alignment and adoption through a eTextbook Library. All textbooks are in electronic form. -
Which CLOUD are you in?
Parents, Community Partners, Educators, Administrators, and Students are all connected through CLOUD. Policy makers and funders can assess educational needs and allocate funding to their school of choice instantly by connecting to CLOUD. -
Learning Environments Re-defined
Education reform takes a turn, redefining the "classroom" for all students. County Offices of Eduation are the hub of resources for a statewide educational systemic change. Virtual coaches, mentors and technical assistance is available via technologies portals.