5001 BCE
Founding of Acacia (First Civilization)
Acacia was the first "country," but the cities in Acacia were far from the oldest. Cities of farmers date back to 12,911 BMW. War and disease stifled innovation among the communities for thousands of years. Acacia was the first territorial region that featured a large government, military, and population. -
Period: 4999 BCE to 4307 BCE
Mustala Civilization
A civilization of city states in modern-day Hongus populated by the Mustala people, who had previously been nomadic. -
Period: 4902 BCE to 4003 BCE
Uccan Civilization
Formed by the barbarians in the North, made of Jurras, Xianese, and Valkyrians -
4800 BCE
Eruption of Totakaqoa
The largest eruption in recent people history, Totakaquo spewed tonnes of ash into the sky, lowering global temperatures by 10 degrees for 20 years. This marked a pause in farming and the end of the first age. -
Period: 4750 BCE to 4102 BCE
Sasnidi Civilization
They built the Pyramids of Sazinai, the largest of which, the Pyramid of Anugan, stands 190 meters high. Ruled by several dynasties. -
Period: 4731 BCE to 4044 BCE
Kingdom of the Golden Isles
United the four islands inhabited by the Xianese and Timians. Famous for the gold mined on the coasts. -
Period: 4709 BCE to 4033 BCE
Indohayan Civilvization
Coming off the the plains of Ursia and Houstone, the Indohayan people established city states on rivers and on the Gulf of Finnlandia. 2,000 years prior, this region had been settled by the Kuluhan and the early Gethic civilizations. -
4704 BCE
The Sack of Urula By The Barbarians
The capital of Acacia, Urula, is destroyed by barbarians from the north. -
4605 BCE
Argunus Secedes From Monjil
A ruler who was overthrown in Monjil fled to the East coast where he led the poor of the region to build up a small, but prosperous, land called Argunus, named after its first ruler, Argun Devos. -
Period: 4560 BCE to 3070 BCE
First Acacian Empire
Period: 4480 BCE to 4000 BCE
Early Bargosi Civilization
A horde of Sygosi and Gethic peoples settled around the bay of Bargos and formed bustling city states. -
4315 BCE
The Burning Of Urula
4300 BCE
Founding of Haidonese Civilization
4245 BCE
Ung Gal Arises
4165 BCE
Aureus City Is Founded
Period: 4160 BCE to 3109 BCE
Ung Gal Empire
4110 BCE
The War Of Eternal Sorrows
Even though the war's name has the word "eternal" in it, the war was only five months long. It was between Saiwan and Forn. -
Period: 4109 BCE to 3110 BCE
The Age Of One Thousand
This was a regime that lasted 999 years under the Hwan Mang family. The Ung Galian empire was at its peak when a line of family members, known as the Immortals, reigned over the empire and turned it into a fascist country. -
Period: 4100 BCE to 204 BCE
Caconian Civilization
Inhabitants of Stern for thousands of years, the pastoral people of the mountains and woods gathered around the Bay of Krang. They built several cities and traded with peoples living in Messonia. Over the next several millennia, the Caconians would be attacked and conquered countless times. In the final Krangic war (210-202 BMW), the Caconians would make their last stand at the northern city of Dedur. The Caconians are among the longest-lasting groups of people. -
Period: 4095 BCE to 3100 BCE
Hassanian Empire
Sea-faring empire on the Puerto-Burhanian Bridge. Became a vassal to the Acacian Empire in 3202, eventually being absorbed the Acacians toward the beginning of the Bronze Age Collapse. -
4005 BCE
Early Casilians Sail To Masos
Exiles from a Proto-Casilian civilization sail to Masos where they encounter hunter-gatherer tribes on the Sangee coast. They introduce agriculture, animal rearing, and bronze tools. The Casilians reportedly discover the mythical city of Paxaca and sail back to Aburus to report it. The Casilians make several dozen voyages across the Massolic Ocean to settle the region and declare Paxaca the holy city. -
Period: 4000 BCE to 3067 BCE
Haidonese Empire
3992 BCE
Valkyrian Take Over Of The North
Peoples known as the Valkyries and the Bavarians formed a new Empire on the woodland continent North of Messonia. -
Period: 3980 BCE to 2002 BCE
Valkyrian Empire
Period: 3950 BCE to 3078 BCE
Saiwanese Empire
Period: 3899 BCE to 3260 BCE
Fusan Civilization
A pastoral people that migrated from modern-day New Bavaria to the Bay of Fusar. This civilization would become integral in providing the early Varian Empire with vast quantities of grain, establishing one of the many trade routes that would populate the Varian and Diginean seas. -
Period: 3878 BCE to 3849 BCE
Abega Gahlate
3877 BCE
Acacian Empire Spreads
Period: 3849 BCE to 3701 BCE
Fussa Gahlate
Period: 3791 BCE to 2998 BCE
Varian Empire
The Varians were seafaring dwarves who sold salt, gold, and precious gems. The empire fell to the Braygan Empire. -
Period: 3620 BCE to 3447 BCE
Haido-Monjili Wars
This was a 173-year war that was started after Haidon tried to annex Monjil. Monjil fought back strongly, and a treaty was signed in 3447. Soon after the treaty was signed, though, constant siege of Haidon's capital occured. -
3465 BCE
Adurus The Great Is Born
3452 BCE
The Caldera Is Built
The biggest city in history, The Caldera, was the epicenter of the Valkyrian Empire. -
3446 BCE
Monjil Attacks Haidon
3440 BCE
Aureus City Is Used As Military Base
3439 BCE
Desagoths of The South Take Aureus City
Period: 3196 BCE to 3080 BCE
Tutic Empire
The Tutics came off of the plains of the Keza peninsula and conquered almost all of Aburus. They invaded several minor kingdoms and displaced many people, including the Captonians. The empire disintegrated after a succession crisis in the capital province of Tutinia on the Creltian Sea. -
3160 BCE
Captonian Civilization Is Founded
Originally from western Aburus, the Captonians were pushed North by the the Tutics during their conquest of Aburus. They settled in modern day Captone, which was at the time the core province of the Ung Gal empire. -
Period: 3152 BCE to 2987 BCE
The War Of The Advent
This was a war between religious Acacians and Ruferus tribes. The Acacians won, but suffered the loss of temples and cities. -
Period: 3151 BCE to 3104 BCE
The Bavar Wars
A collection of wars between several nation-states in the Bavarian region. It ultimately ended after Bavaria, the largest state, took control of the region and began its empire. -
Period: 3121 BCE to 1976 BCE
Bavarian Empire
The Bavarians were the tight-ship, no bullshit cousins of the Valkyrians. They were a military-oriented Monarchy-Republic that fought the tyranny of other empires. -
Period: 3110 BCE to 3000 BCE
Bronze Age Collapse
Beginning with the destruction of the prosperous Ung Gal empire, the Bronze Age Collapse marked the mysterious fall of almost all of the Bronze Age Empires. After this period, Iron Tools became widely used. -
3109 BCE
Ung Gal Is Destroyed By Captonians
Frequent clashes with the Captonians since their arrival decades prior devolved into all-out war between them and the Empire of Ung Gal. In 3109 BMW, the Captonians sacked the capital Funan and forced the imperial Hwan Mang family to flee the contintent for the island of Hwan Hung. A century later, the island would come under the control of the Captonians. -
3096 BCE
Acacian Empires Reaches Peak
Though lasting for another few centuries, the Acacian Empire reached its peak in 3096 BMW. It controlled modern-day Acacia, Velarusa, Messonia, Stern, the coasts of the Northern Friis Countries, Padu, Palmland, Xing Xang, Sadereus, Igatharius, Cie, Drui Clea, Eastwald, the South and Middle of Captone, the Puerto-Burhanian Bridge, Navio, the Western half of Holanas, Rulhando, and the far Eastern tip of Grey Keep. -
Period: 3095 BCE to 1960 BCE
Period of Captonian Kingdoms
The fall of the Ung Gal Empire gave rise to Captonian kings who ruled cities previously under Hwan Mang rule. This period of Captonian kingdoms would last until 1960 BMW, when the kingdoms were united under one empire. -
Period: 3011 BCE to 2594 BCE
Favuan Empire
An empire on the Keza peninsula and around the Gulf of Finnlandia. Clashed frequently with the Waazav and eventually fell to their invasions. -
Period: 3003 BCE to 2704 BCE
Ishmïeli Commonwealth
After peacefully seceding from the Bavarian Empire, the Ishmïeli, protected by mountains and thick pine forests, promoted art, theatre, science, and culinary institutions rather than having a large military. This was also the first society to adopt Marijuana as an entire society with 80% of the population using it in some way. -
Period: 3001 BCE to 1877 BCE
Braygan Empire
The Braygan people are comparable to what a mixing of the Mongols and the Vikings would be. When the ancient Saasvou people migrated from the coasts to the Belhanian Steppe, they brought with them their nautical skills. They married into the mountain people like the Oppis and the Gaccons, who would become the ancestors of some of the Belhanian people and the Braygans. The Braygans were ruthless sailors and expert long-range combatants, usually riding horses and Yadin Tricerotops. -
Period: 2998 BCE to 1324 BCE
Second Acacian Empire
2844 BCE
The Island of Pertochus (Holanas) Is Condemned
The oracle at Miledes (outside of Urula) tells the Emperor of Acacia that the island of Pertochus is to be birthplace and kingdom of Accretious and the Insulani, who are destined in Unamic teachings to destroy the world if the One God Dion does not look on Sothos favorably. Pertochus is condemned by many rulers and travel to there is forbidden. The Acacian military forcibly removes everyone off the island. -
2841 BCE
Nuwii, Balcove, Forn, Rusland and Timar Break Away From Saiwan 2841 BMW
2830 BCE
Velarusa Secedes From Acacia
Led by the rival brother of the Acacian Emperor, the Velarusans revolted against the Acacians and formed a kingdom ruled by ancient Anugan dynasty. -
Period: 2802 BCE to 2119 BCE
First Velarusan Empire (Anugan Empire)
2778 BCE
Great Wall of Haidon Is Finished
Period: 2595 BCE to 2499 BCE
Wazzakahn (Wazzi Empire)
Period: 2495 BCE to 1880 BCE
Gordonian-Favuan Empire
The end of Favuan Empire in the South lead to the Northern half revolting. It became the Gordonian Empire, reabsorbing the Favuan Empire's lands. -
Period: 2098 BCE to 1300 BCE
Second Velarusan Empire (Curaman Empire)
Period: 2096 BCE to 1299 BCE
Sparcan Empire
2066 BCE
Huni Secedes From Monjil an Belhanian Tribes 2066 BMW
Period: 2011 BCE to 1960 BCE
The Captonian War
After the kidnapping of Princess Gayan at the hands of the Butinians (Captonians of the city of Butin), general war broke out between the Captonian kingdoms. It lasted decades and saw the genocide and displacement of several persecuted peoples, most notably the Holanians. Danon of Hycenae united several of the kingdoms under his rule and conquered the rest, forming the Captonian Empire and ending the war. -
2000 BCE
Holanas Is Settled By War Refugees
Period: 2000 BCE to 1011 BCE
Old Holanian Republic
Period: 1962 BCE to 1 CE
Captonian Empire
The Captonian Empire would become one of the longest standing empires in history, in large part because the Captonians stabilized the region after centuries of turmoil and prioritized the defense of the empire from southern invaders. Historians credit the Captonian's success to three milennia of "insane luck". -
Period: 1880 BCE to 1301 BCE
Bavarian Reinstatement
After the Braygans fell into chaos and their empire quickly diminished, the Bavarians fought to conquer much of their original empire. This is called the Bavarian Reinstatement. -
1580 BCE
Praglos Civilizations Collapse
All civilizations on the the southern continent of Praglos are destroyed by simultaneous ecological and social collapses. Desertification of the central steppe forced pastoral groups to move to the coasts, where their presence precipitated social upheaval. Continued ecological decline caused widespread crop failure, droughts, and famines. -
1520 BCE
Navio Secedes From Velarusian Empire
Period: 1300 BCE to 1011 BCE
Period of Warring Bavarian Kingdoms
The collapse of the Bavarian Reinstatement left the rise of feudal kingdoms in the homeland and in conquered territories. The small Kingdoms in Stern and Messonia would eventually lead to the spread of the Bavarian language in Acacia, where a major Bavarian population now lived under Velarusan rule. -
Period: 1300 BCE to 1150 BCE
En Dieste
En Dieste, Velarusan for "The Silencing", was a mild collapse of major world powers. An invasion of the Western Peoples brought social collapse, plague, and warfare. The exhausted Bavarian and Sparcan empires collapsed, as did the Velarusan "Curaman" Empire. The Bavarian kingdoms went to war with each other and the Third Velarusan Empire rose. The Western Peoples would settle in Northern Messonia. Marked by major decline and little record keeping. -
Period: 1279 BCE to 295
Third Velarusan Empire
Period: 1022 BCE to 500
Iotogan Empire
The Iotogan Empire lasted a while, conquering Huni, Monil, Celrea, and parts of Haidon. -
Period: 1015 BCE to 966 BCE
Holanian Military Dictatorship
Period: 966 BCE to 23
Holanian Empire
Period: 934 BCE to 37
Dreyysow Empire
Period: 922 BCE to 698 BCE
Wayzikahn (Wayzi Empire)
Hundreds of years after the Wazzikahn was destroyed, the Wazzi people came back out from the Steppe and conquered the area of Kekistan, Ursia, Houstone, Onu, and Chai Ong. They were far more brutal and destructive than their ancestors, killing over 20 million people. They are also responsible for spreading coastal technology to the inner lands of Chai Ong and Houstone. -
Period: 903 BCE to 2
Messonian Empire
The Messonian Empire conquered the Messonian region and large territories in the Velarusian Empire, but ultimately fell along side the Iotogan and Dreyysow Empires after Holanas invaded the Equatorial Zone. -
Period: 820 BCE to 7
Kingdom of Krang
In 820 BHE, the island of Stern was invaded four times. Each one was by different groups; the Fassuos, the Drakons, the Hellens, and the Krangs. The native people of Stern, the Caconians, had grown weak since their war with Velarusa. Under the Krangs, the people of the island were united into the Kingdom of Krang. -
Period: 790 BCE to 562 BCE
Haclonic Republic
A prosperous republic on the Varian and Diginean seas, the Haclonic Republic is one of the most famous civilizations in ancient history. Its demise in the Haclonic civil war was precipitated by political corruption and the migrating Rumen people, who sacked the city of Haclon twice. -
Period: 754 BCE to 404 BCE
Acconian Empire
Originally a collection city states on the Acconian sea, the Acconians united under Necesus the Great and conquered the southern portion of the Masos Bulk. Their expansion south was stopped by the Avar Empire, and their incursions into the north forced the Rumen people to migrate toward the Diginean Sea; this latter event would contribute to the civil war in Haclon and the rise of the Haclonic Empire, which became the main Acconian rival. -
Period: 590 BCE to 11
Kingdom of Dornna
Period: 560 BCE to 4
Haclonic Empire
The fall of the Haclonic Republic in the Haclonic Civil War (570-562) saw the victorious Adrianus form the Empire. The Haclonic Empire would come to dominate all of northern Masos, the entire Varian Sea region, and Vandoland. -
503 BCE
Celrea Declares Independance
Period: 301 BCE to 203 BCE
Ollgan Empire
Period: 211 BCE to 823
Pellistani Empire
210 BCE
Bavaria Secedes From Vakyria
A peaceful political group called the Wahrheitssucher seceded from Valkyria with permission from the King. This would be the second Bavarian reinstatement in history and the formal instatement of the current Bavarian rule. -
12 BCE
Holanians Invade The Mainland
Period: 2 BCE to 24
The Mycelean War
Once the Holanian Empire discovered the mainland, they began warring against every empire they encountered. The Holanians, armed with a formidable navy, rudimentary artillery, steel swords, and Goshi Fever, were able to subdue almost every army until the empires of the world came together at Mycelea in 0 BMW to combat the Holanian advance collectively. The war was unlike any seen before, killing so many people that entire rivers were choked with blood. -
Period: 1 CE to 17
Ce Deystrom: Collapse of The Ancient World
In addition to the Mycelean War that resulted in 56 million casualties, the delineation between Classical and Post Classical history is marked by the Ce Deystrom, meaning "The Great End" in Old Acacian. A series of earthquakes with unparalleled magnitude devastated every civilization on the planet and triggered massive volcanic eruptions that dropped global temperatures by 4 degrees. It is estimated that more than 90 million people died as of direct and indirect result of Ce Deystrom. -
Holanians Flee To Holanas
With the invasion of Holanas by the combined might of the Mycelean Alliance a success, all principle Holanian military forces were forced to retreat back to the home island. -
Period: 24 to 604
Grand Holanian Republic
After the Holanian Empire fell, it was replaced instantaneously by the Holanian Republic. -
Period: 203 to 786
Tamson Empire
After years of Krang rule, the Velarusans invaded. They were stopped by Lord Tam and his armies 207 BMW. Tam died, but his son started a civil war with King Xander of the Krangs. Tam II ruled the Tamsons and won the war, starting the Tamson Empire. They conquered Stern, Messonia, and Rulhando. -
Period: 250 to 1300
The Middle Ages
A period following the Mycelean War, Ce Deystrom, and decline of the major empires, marked by population decline, migration, counter-urbanism, stagnation in technological advancement, and weaker government administration within societies. -
Period: 478 to 1503
Confederation of Velarusan Kingdoms
Velarusan noblemen rallied to push the Tamsons off the mainland, establishing kingdoms in Messonia and Acacia. They would later invade Stern to complete the confederation. The borders drawn by the Velarusans would be used when Messonia, Stern, and Acacia seceded from the confederation to govern themselves. With Acacian independence in 1503, the confederation dissolved and ended the last stretch of imperial Velarusan rule. -
Period: 670 to 433
Greenlandian Empire
Stern and Messonia Secede from the Velarusan Empire
This secession was a violent one, taking the lives of many innocent Velarusan people. -
Period: 954 to 972
Velarusan Messonian War
These wars followed the Messonian and Sternian secession from Velarusa. -
Period: 1012 to 1030
Bavarian Depression
Period: 1160 to
New Bavarian Empire
Period: 1301 to
The Modern Age
A period marked by exponential growth in population, technological advancements, cities, and philosophical thinking. -
Acacia Secedes From Velarusa
Period: to
Acacian Golden Age
The Train Is Invented
The first steam-powered locomotive is created in Haidon. -
Period: to
Acacian Messonian War
Period: to
The Great Equatorial War
Period: to
Hongusi-Ruferusi War
Omni Haffan's Tomb Is Discovered
Omni Haffan was the third, and most tyrannical, king of Acacia.