Cotton Gin to The Black Death

By lizana
  • Mar 14, 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The dark time period where disease killed thousands of europeans in England
  • Period: Mar 14, 1348 to

    Cotton Gin to The Black Death

    My connection to the Black Death
  • Mayflower sailed

    Mayflower sailed
    The Mayflower sailed to the U.S.A during the 1600's
  • May Flower

    May Flower
    The May Flower sailed from England to Massachusets
  • 1665 Plague of England

    1665 Plague of England
    This event was basically the same thing that happened during the black death. Thats why for my connection I said that the events were similar and they only happened within 300 years of each other.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Eli Whitney was born and raised to Massachusets, where the May Flower originally landed.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was pettented by Eli Whitney in !794 and he was born in Massachusetes which is where the Pilgrims landed and they came from England which is where the Plague of 1664 happened and thats similar to the Black Death which also happened in England. The end.