1944 Rab Butler Education Act
This act set out the framework for the English education system and replaced all previous education legislation. It defined the ages for compulsary attendence as 5-15 years old. It defined the 3 types of state school for secondary education and allowed for independent schools to be registered. -
Period: to
Clement Attlee Government 1945-1951
Under Attlee's government the tripartite system of education was reinforced, however, few technical schools were built so most children went to secondary modern schools with high competition for entrance to grammar schools. -
General Certificate of Education Introduced
These examinations included A-Level and O-level and would remain in place until the creation of GCSEs in the 1980s. These exams were taken mostly by students in independent and grammar schools and were frought with controversy due to the test difficulty. -
Period: to
Conservative Governement 1951-1964
During this time there were 4 different Prime Ministers and 7 different Ministers of Education. The government were not in support of the comprehensive school system and favoured the grammar school system. Even so, many local authorities developed comprehensive schools. The 1963 Newson Report exposed inequalities in education and endorsed increased funding for lower ability pupils. -
Dad Graduates from Houghton-Kearney Elementary School
Period: to
Dad's education at Central Union High School
Central Union High School changed names to Central High School in 1976 when the school district Unified so that it was the high school serving as the only secondary school fed into from 3 K-8 schools and 1 junior high school. -
Period: to
Harold Wilson Labour Government
Labour's election manifesto set out the abolish the selection and re-establish a comprehensive school system. However, in 1965 the Department of Education backed down on eliminating selection and when Labour lost in 1970 the Bill requiring LEAs to go all Comprehensive was scrapped. -
Dad Graduates from Central Union High School
Period: to
The Black Papers and Neville Bennett Report
The Black Papers were documents written by educationalists and politicians advocating voucher schemes, choice in schools and competition. The Neville Bennett Report condemned modern teaching techniques. -
Mom begins teaching at Central Union High School
1976 Education Act
This Education Act attempted to end selection but there were so many conditions and loopholes that there was little effect. It was repealled in 1979 under Thacher government. -
Period: to
Margaret Thacher's Conservative Government
Many changes over this time span including enforcement of National Curriculum, standard settings for ITT courses and increaase in national testing. Proposals for performance linked pay resulted in teacher strikes in 1985. -
My Birth
Conservative govenment under Margaret Thacher
Deep recession meant cuts to education spending. -
National Curriculum Introduced
LEAs were to draw up policies for the school curriculum consistent with the government's recommendations. -
Period: to
My Formal Education
From Pre-school to Medical school -
Children's Activity Centre Pre-school
I attended pre-school for 2 years. There is no public provision for pre-school in most areas of the US. The Children's Activity Centre was a fee paying pre-school at a church approximately 12 miles from my family home. -
Houghton-Kearney Kindergarten
Kindergarten is similar to Reception but it is only a half day. This school is a unique K-8th grade rural school that was approximately 1 mile from home. -
Period: to
The Houghton Kearney Years
This time span is the whole of my elementary education from Kindergarten to 8th grade. This took place at the same site and consisted of a class of 30 pupils, most of whom also completed all of their elementary education at H-K. -
1988 Education Reform Act
Set out a full national curriculum, defined key stages, it allowed governing bodies to have more power and allowed for more selection. -
Period: to
John Major Conservative Government
During this conservative government OFSTED was created and the Teacher Training Agency was established. -
1992 Further Education Act
This act resulted in colleges and further education no longer coming under the control of the LEA. It introduced more competition in the system and initiated OFSTED -
My Houghton Kearney Graduation
Graduating from 8th grade is a celebrated event at Houghton Kearney with the ceremony attended by family, friends and members of the local community. We have a key note speaker who is a past alumni and addresses given by valadictorian and salutatorians. -
Central High School Freshman
I started my 9th grade year (Freshman) at Central High School where my older sister was already a Senior and my mother was teaching 9th grade English and World Geography. -
Period: to
My Central High School Career
In order for a student to graduate from high school they need to pass requirements set out by the school, school, district and the local county education district. For example, all students at CHS needed to pass 4 years of English, 4 years of math, 1 year of world geography, 3 years of history, 2 years of science, 3 years of physical education. These were the minimum requirements and if you were planning on going on to study at university level there were additional requirements to fulfill. -
Standardized Testing SAT/SATII/ACT
Taking tests for applying to university begins in your Junior year of high school and is done separately to any school coursework and examinations. These exams are not connected to your school and are usually done at the weekends. Individuals need to prepare for these on their own and they pay the fees to take them as well as fees for these results to be sent to universities where they intend to apply. -
Central High School moves to the East Campus
Due to overcrowding in 1996 the old campus of Central High School was closed and a new high school campus was opened. The old campus (now known as the West Campus) was refurbished and re-opened as an agriculture and 9th grade campus two years later (as East campus was at its maximum capacity when it was opened). -
Applications for University
In California there are 3 main types of university all with their own admissions criteria and application process. The University of California system is considered to be the most prestegious and one application form is filled in with personal statement and referrences. A student may select to apply to as many as they like bearing in mind there is a fee for each one you apply to. The deadline for applications is early in November of your Junior year. -
Good news from University of California schools
In May applicants are notified of their success in the admissions process and are required to give their decisions to any offers within one month. I was offered a place at 3 University of California schools (UCLA, UCSD and UC Davis). I accepted a place at UCSD to begin in September. -
New Labour win general elections
Central High School Graduation
1997 Education Act
This act ended the scheme of public money funding places at private schools. -
UCSD, Thurgood Marshall College
In the first 2 years of University in the US you are required to take a wide range of courses to satisfy your general education requirements as well as requirements for your major. UCSD is a unique institution as you have different requirements depending on which college you attend. As I was at Thurgood Marshall college I was required to take courses including Diversity, Ethnic studies and Justice in addition to my science requirements for being pre-med and requirements for my major. -
Period: to
Attended University
University of Birmingham
As part of my Junior year at UCSD I participated in the UC Education Abroad program where I studied for a full academic year at an institution abroad. I was placed at the University of Birmingham in Edgebaston and studied in the Psychology department. This led to me changing my major from Cognitive Science to Psychology as I did not want to take summer school to do my programming classes! -
Specialist Schools and Academies
In January and March the Labour government announced plans for hundreds of comprehensive schools to be turned into specialist colleges and outlined the city academy idea. -
Conditional Offer from University of Leicester Medical School
I applied through the normal UCAS route and attended an interview at the university in February. They made a formal conditional offer the following week. -
Thurgood Marshall (UCSD) graduation
Period: to
Medical School
Building Schools for the Future Scheme announced
This scheme was announced in February 2004. In 2010 hundreds of schools were disappointed when this program was scrapped. -
Strategy for Children and Learners
This was a strategy for all schools to become foundation schools which would then progress to academies. There was an emphasis on headteachers controflling budgets. However, schools were allowed to select a percentage of pupils. -
University of Leicester Medical School Graduation