Period: to
French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath
Couldn't use the royal court so they made their own. Wrote up their own Consitution and dubed them self National Assembly. -
Storming of Bastille
A group formed of craftsmen and salesmen decided to fight back and ran to the Invalides to steal some weapons. The mob stole 28,000 riffles there, there was no powder was to be found. The crowd knew that a pile of powder was stocked in the Bastille, a prison that was a symbol of the King's absolute and arbitrary power. So they decided to attack it. -
The Declaration of Rights of Man
The Declaration of Rights of Man was the first step to freedom in France it gave the people the right to freedom of speech -
March To Versailles
A mob of thousands of armed woman storm the castle Versailles. On the way to the castle the woman were chanting "Bread, Bread" They charged into the castle trying to kill Marie, the queen. -
Robespierre Come to Power
he carried the motion that no member of the present Assembly should be eligible for the next, and was appointed public accuser -
The Terror
Robspierre killed everyone that didn't agree with the french revolution by sending them to the guillotine. -
Louis' Trial and Execution
Louis was executed for trying to flee to Austria the people took him back to france and was tried gulty for treason and was beheaded. -
Robespierre Is Executed
Robespierre is executed because he hasd a list of people who betrayed the revolution and who was going to get executed. The people didn't want to take the chance of being on that list so the sent Robespierre to the guillotine. Before being sent to the guillotine he tryed to kill him sekf he sufferd a gunshot wound to the cheek.