I was going to born River Hospital at 5:56
February 2010 Grade 2 I went to Vietnam the day landed in Vietnam i met a kid name fu he now till today he is my friend/tour guide
I went to Vietnam the day landed in Vietnam i met a kid name fu he now till today he is my friend/tour guide -
Grade 5
my big brother went to the Army and he was stationed at Borden -
Grade 6
I had my first beer it was a Heineken -
Grade 7
I got into anime I am otaku -
Grade 9
I played rugby for a KCi and mr. Miller was my rugby coach with mr. Thompson -
Grade 9
I broke some kid leg form s jam and I tried to give him a hug and my team said we don't need you to traumatize him you already broke his leg -
Grade 10
I got a part-time job in the summer and then I I quit bfore I went back to school