Cooper's Life

  • The Birth of Me

    The Birth of Me
    I was born at Children Hospital in Boston, MA.
  • Period: to

    My Life So Far...

  • My Brother's Birth

    I have a brother, Dylan!!!
  • Looking for Schools

    My parents went off to looking for any deaf institutes in Northeastern region because my parents live in NH. Eventually, they found RSD when they were at a hotel in Albany and met a Worek. Abby Worek's mother led my parents to RSD and they settled there.
  • Transferred to Elementary School Cobbles

    My parent sought RSD is too easy for me to enroll at, so they decided to transfer me to Cobbles. I did strongly agreed with them.
  • Trip back to RSD

    It was summer school and I was in 4th grade that time, I enroll in RSD again in in September of 2003 as a 4th grader.
  • Space Camp

    I was in 6th grade in that time when my class has a trip to Huntsville, Alabama for Space Camp to learn the things about the space.
  • Montana Trip

    Montana Trip
    It was the summer of 2006. Jack Horner was a palentagology on dinosaurs, our school got invited to go over there to see the digging site.
  • Maine Trip 2010

    Maine Trip 2010
    I was a freshmen in 2009. The middle school students had arranged a trip to Maine but they were so small class, and decided to invite group of freshmens, which only three of us went.
  • Dad's new place

    Dad's new place
    My father had troubles with finding new jobs for him in New York, and therefore he decided to migrate to New Hampshire to live there again. He has many friends and supports there so he could find a job easily there.
  • Jr.NAD Conference

    Klima and I were RSD's delegates to go at Riverside, California for a Jr.NAD conference. It was a blast there with all different studnets and activities to be played for fun!
  • France/England

    TAP (Traveling Abroad Program) My school are heading to France and England... not yet.