Thomas Newcomen
invented the "Atmospheric Steam Engine" as well as practical and useful steam-powered machines that went on in help other important contributors of the Industrial Revolution -
John Kay
inventor of the flying shuttle, which was an important step toward automatic weaving -
James Watt
Though he did not invent the steam engine, he fundamentally changed what Newcomen and Savery had invented also the electrical unit, the watt, is named after him in his honor -
Richard Arkwright
Arkwright’s water frame (so-called because it operated by waterpower) produced a cotton yarn suitable for warp, as well as Arkwright producing water proof wigs. -
James Hargreaves
Invented a multi-spindle spinning frame, the Spinning Jenny awhich was one of the many key developments in the industrialization of weaving -
Henry Cort
discoverer of the puddling process for converting pig iron into wrought iron, which removed carbon from the iron. -
Edmund Cartwright
Invented the power loom which is a mechanized loom powered by a line shaft, and this was one of the key developments in the industrialization of weaving -
Eli Whitney
American inventor who created the cotton gin and pushed for the the concept of “interchangeable parts” for production -
David Ricardo
His first publication, The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes, argued for the use of metallic currency -
George Stephenson
Is know as the father of railways, considering he invented and patented the first steam powered locomotive. -
Elias Howe
Invented the first practical sewing machine -
Karl Marx
He was the man who created the ideas that we now refer to as Marxism, socialism, and communism. He wrote the most celebrated pamphlet in the history of the socialist movement