Continuum of Strategies to Deal With Inappropriate Behavior

  • Strategies for Dealing with Initial Offenses

    Strategies for Dealing with Initial Offenses
  • Initial Offense- Acquisition error (student lacks skill and behaves inappropriately)

    Initial Offense- Acquisition error (student lacks skill and behaves inappropriately)
    Reteach the student the correct behavior so they have the appropriate skills for success
  • Initial Offense- Fluency error (student has skill but is inconsistent)

    Initial Offense- Fluency error (student has skill but is inconsistent)
    Provide opportunities to practice until the student is fluent. Provide feedback so the student knows what they are doing right, and what they need to change.
  • Initial Offense- Maintenance error (has skill but relapses)

    Initial Offense- Maintenance error (has skill but relapses)
    Remind student of the correct behavior and use reinforcement to increase appropriate behavior.
  • Initial Offense- Generalization error (has skill but does not it in all settings)

    Initial Offense- Generalization error (has skill but does not it in all settings)
    The student should practice the correct behavior in multiple settings and around many different people. Reinforce acceptable behavior with positive reinforcement.
  • Initial Offense- Setting events (has skill but certain events or settings disrupt the norm)

    Initial Offense- Setting events (has skill but certain events or settings disrupt the norm)
    Try to identify trigger events or settings to reduce occurrences. These issues are often difficult because teachers do not always know what setting or event triggered the inappropriate behavior.
  • Strategies for Dealing With Repetitve Events

    Strategies for Dealing With Repetitve Events
  • Reteach

    Reteach appropriate behavior to ensure students know what is acceptable. Provide positive reinforcement as soon as student does appropriate behavior.
  • Warning

    Quick warning in a confident voice while holding the student’s attention with eye contact. Tell student specifically what they did wrong and what consequences will occur if the inappropriate behavior continues. Finally, reinforce positive behavior with praise when they act in an appropriate manner.
  • Response Cost

    Response Cost
    Removal of earned rewards from the token economy based upon the level or severity of the inappropriate behavior. The student will have the option to earn the tokens back with appropriate behavior, and the student should receive reinforcement for appropriate behavior as soon as possible.
  • Conference After Class

    Conference After Class
    Conference with teacher after class about inappropriate behavior and a warning that the next consequence will be a notification to parents. Student should receive positive reinforcement as soon as possible to reinforce acceptable behavior.
  • Time-out or Removal from Environment

    Time-out or Removal from Environment
    Remove student from the environment and place the student in a non-stimulating environment until the teacher feels the student is ready to return. This should be when the teacher feels that the behavior will stop completely.
  • Notification to Parents

    Notification to Parents
    If a Student failed to respond to the aforementioned consequences, or completes an inappropriate behavior that is bad enough to warrant a parental notification, the teacher will send a note to parents or call parents to request an in-person, after school conference.