Major Offense
A major offense by a student results in being immedietly sent to the office with a referral. -
Minor Offense
A minor offense by a student will result in the teacher taking specific steps in order to achieve a unique punishment for the unique situation. -
Minor Offense (A)
Minor Offense (A) - Is an initital offense -
Minor Offense (B)
Minor Offense (B) - Is NOT an initital offense. -
Minor Offense (A) 1
If it is an acquisition error, the student and teacher will meet after school in order to have the lesson or skill retaught and directed towards students specific learning style. -
Minor Offense (B) 1
Reteach what the appropriate behavior for the situation would be. Remind students that they will be held responsibile for their actions and though they may be retaught, consequences may still be put into place. -
Minor Offense (A) 2
Fluency error; Teacher will praise more when student is using correct behavior, teacher will also provide more opportunities for student to practice what is acceptable behavior. -
Minor Offense (B) 2
Students will have a three strike system. When they reach the third strike, student will have folder signed and a note sent home to parent. -
Minor Offense (A) 3
Maintenence; student will be reminded of what they should be doing, what is acceptable. A simple verbal warning will be given to student. -
Minor Offense (B) 3
Student will be moved to desk that is by him/her self in order for them to gain the concentration they need to maintain acceptable behavior. -
Minor Offense (A) 4
Generalization; Student will be moved to another place in the classroom. Student will be reminded that if the behavior continues more than verbal consequences will be given. Student will be given practice and reminded of what is acceptable. -
Minor Offense (B) 4
Students will owe five minutes of recess for every time they are corrected during class. -
Minor Offense (A) 5
Teacher will be aware of what is causing these outburts of misbehvaior to happen. Teacher will place students accordingly around the classroom, teacher will use technology in lecture in order to attain attention from students. Teacher will impliment group learning along with indivudal work. -
Minor Offense (A) 5
Parent Teacher Conferences will be put into effect. Teacher and parent will work together in order to correct the behavior of the student.