
contemporary age

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Thomas Savery patented a pump with hand-operated valves to raise water from mines by suction produced by condensing steam.
    Advantages: it gives you energy, it's easy to use
    Disadvantages: contaminates a lot, expensive to make.
  • The lightbulb

    The lightbulb
    Humans, were tired of using fire, so they abused their electricity knowledge they had and created the lightbulb.
    Advantages: It's easy to use, gives light.
    Disadvantages: it's a very contaminating object.
  • the A.I

    The A.I is so useful that we are losing braincells.
    Advantages: it's a very useful homeworl buddy (I hate that)
    Disadvantages: It makes us lose a lot of braincells
  • The personal computer

    The personal computer
    Humans, were tired of waiting in the library for someone to finish using the computer, so they invented the personal computer, the first one was the Kenbak-1.
    Advantages: It's very useful to search up information, you can have it at your home.
    Disadvantages: it's super slow
  • Internet

    Humans just decided they were tired of waiting for letters to arrive, so they created the internet.
    Advantages: It's useful to chat, search information, you can use it anywhere.
    Disadvantages: it makes us more stupid than we already are.