Battle of Milvian Bridge
Council of Nicea
Alaric (OUTCOME)
Alaric was King of the Visgoths. He was most famous for his Sack of Rome in 410, which marked a decisive event in the decline of the Roman Empire. He was defeated when he invaded Italy, and at the Battle of Verona. Eventually Alaric sacked many cities and ravaged the land along the Adriatic Sea. The Viscoths surrounded Rome, and as the Viscoths were marching northward, Alaric died. -
Fall of the Roman Empire
Hajia Sophia (OUTCOME)
From the date of its construction on 537 until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox Cathedral.The Church was dedicated to the 'Wisdom of God'. In Latin, 'sophia' is the Greek word for 'wisdom'. It has a massive dome and is said to have "changed the history of architecture". It was opened as a museum in 1935. -
The Plague
Oct 10, 732
Battle of Tours (OUTCOME)
Fought between forces under a Frankish leader and an Islamic army near the city of Tours, France. The Franks defeated the Islamic army. This battle preserved Christianity as the controlling faith in Europe, when Islam was overrunning the remains of the Old Roman and Persian Empires. -
Oct 2, 741
Charles Martel "The Hammer"
Holy Roman Empire
Viking Raids
Alfred the Great
Ivar the Boneless
St. Benedict (OUTCOME)
He is a Christian saint, also known as Benedict of Nursia. He founded twelve communities for monks at Subiaco, Italy before moving to Southern italy. His main achievement was his "Rule of Saint Benedict" containing commandments for is monks. His rule became one of the most influential religious rules in Western Christiandom. For this reason, Benedict is often called the founder of western monasticism. -
Charlemagne (OUTCOME)
Also known as Charles the Great, he was the first emperor in western Europe. He was co-ruler with his brother until his brother died, and when his father died Cherlemagne became emperor. Called the "Father of Europe", Charlemagne's empire united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire. He ruled for thirteen years and died in 814.