Dog cat2

consumer ed timeline Abby Taylor

  • birth

    park ridge
  • Sports

    I used to run track and cross country
  • Job

    first job at party city as an associate
  • Activities

    Im involved in Model United Nations and National Art Honors Society
  • Goals for High School

    My goal for my last semester of high school is to not miss as many days as first semester, and finish high school with a higher gpa.
  • Post High School Goal

    I would like to decide where I'm going to school for the 2016 fall semester by march.
  • post high school goal

    My other post high school goal is to exceed in college, and obtain opportunites for internships.
  • future life: graduate school

    I will go to graduate school for marine biology.
  • job

    I will be working as a marine biologist in san diego, california. I will make around 80k a year.
  • Transportation

    I will own a moped
  • Job 2026

    Job 2026
    I will be running a wine vineyard in a province of italy.
  • Marriage

    I will be married and have 2 cats and 1 dog.
  • Rural Italy

    Rural Italy
    I will move to Italy to work on a wine vineyard.
  • Living in a house on a farm

    Living in a house on a farm
    I will live in a small house on a farm in a small province of Italy.