Consumer Ed Timeline

By sanmon1
  • Born in Cuatro Caminos, Cuba

    Born in Cuatro Caminos, Cuba
  • Grandfather DIed

    Grandfather DIed
  • Started Working at Marshall's

    Started Working at Marshall's
  • Turned 18 years old

    Turned 18 years old
  • Started Semester 2 of Senior Year

    Started Semester 2 of Senior Year
  • Live in Phoenix, Arizona

    Live in Phoenix, Arizona
  • Graduate from Niles North High School

    Graduate from Niles North High School
  • Move to Phoenix, Arizona

    Move to Phoenix, Arizona
  • Graduate from ASU

    Graduate from ASU
  • Work as a Dog Trainer

    Work as a Dog Trainer
  • Work as a Professional Dog Trainer

    Work as a Professional Dog Trainer
  • Continue to Live in Phoenix, Arizona

  • Buy a House with My Husband

    Buy a House with My Husband
  • Adopt 3 dogs - 2 Pitbulls and a Huskey

    Adopt 3 dogs - 2 Pitbulls and a Huskey