Consumer Concepts

  • Consumer Price Index (CPI)

    Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    CONSUMER PRICE INDEX HISTORYMeasures changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households.
  • Good

    Goods in Business and EconomicsAn item that you purchase or someone supplies for you.
  • Service

    Service in EconomicsAn action a person or a business performs for you.
  • Inflation

    Inflation Within The EconomyThe increase of the prices of goods and services
  • Interest

    Interest (In Investing Terms)The annual, quarterly, or monthly percentage of money a person collects and/or pays on a loan, a debt owed, or receives for their savings.
  • Budget

    Budgeting PlansAn amount of money you plan to use to pay for the goods and services you require weekly, monthly, or yearly based on your income.