
Constitution Timeline

  • sent delegates to philadelphia

    sent delegates to philadelphia
    Twelve of the 13 states, all but Rhode Island, sent delegates to Philadelphia.
  • Elected George Washimgton president

    Elected George Washimgton president
    On May 25, they organized immediately and unanimously elected George Washington as president of the convention.
  • They adopted several rules of procedure

    Each state delegation was to have one vote on all matters, and a majority of the votes cast would carry any proposal.
  • Virginia Plan was presented by Randolph

    Virginia Plan was presented by Randolph
    The Virginia Plan called for a new government with three separate branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.
  • New Jersey Plan was presented

    New Jersey Plan was presented
    Paterson offered several amendments to the articles, but not as many as the Virginia Plan
  • Adopted this proposal

    '' Resolved,...that a nation Government ought to be established consisting of a supreme Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary.''
  • Delagates called to help write the Constitution

    Delagates from all 13 colonies were called to help fix the Articals of Confederation. Though in the end they ended up writing the Constitution. This was the begaining of the Constitution.
  • The date that the Constitution was signed

    The date that the Constitution was signed
    On this date the Continental Congrass signed the US Constitution to create a better form of goverment then the Articals of Confederation had previously provided.