

  • 272

    272 - Constantine's Birth

    In 272 Constantine was born in a territory now known as Niš, Niš Is one of the oldest cities and is considered a gateway between the west and east.
  • 272

    272 - Fathers Ascension

    His father ascended through the roman government and became second in command under Emperor Diocletian, Constantine grew up in the court of Diocletian, where he received excellent education and learnt to write in greek and latin.
  • Period: 272 to 324


    The events and the life of Constantine
  • 305

    305 - Galerius tried to kill Constantine

    Galerius tried to kill constantine multiple times
  • 306

    306 - Constantine ruled over Britain, Gual and spain

    In 306 constantine became emperor Augustus when his father became ill, He then went on to rule over Britain, Gaul and Spain, Constantine developed a reputation of 'good' leader and stopped the persecution of christians in his territory.
  • 311

    311 - Constantine witness the persecution of Christians

    In 311 Constantine was fighting in the Roman army where he witnessed the persecution of christians, this changed the way he felt about the religion since he grew up knowing a lot of christians.
  • 311

    311 - Galerius died.

    Galerius died, causing a aproar in the Roman Empire, Maxentius declared the throne for his own and Constantine marched against him.
  • 312

    312 - Constantine Marched.

    In 312 Constantine and his army marched against the city, Maxentius had an army x2 the size of Constantine's. He had a dream of being told to fight under the christian cross to win, he painted christian crosses on all the soldiers shields and they dominated the battle, Maxentius was defeated and he took the throne of Rome.
  • 324

    324 - Lininius Persecution

    Licinius made persecuting christians legal again, Constantine marched against him and one after several battles and became the leader of United Rome in 324.
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    330 - The New Capitol

    In 330 Constantine made the new capital of rome known as Constantinople.
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    324 - Constantine Died of his Illness

    Constantine died 324, He is suspected to have died from a terminal illness or chronic disease. He was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople.