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    Constantine birth

    Constantine was born in 272 AD
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    Constantine birth

    Constantine was born in Naissus in the roman province of Moesia
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    Father became emperior

    Constantine's father raised to role of emperior of west
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    Constantine held hostage

    Constantine was held hostage and taught about greek philosophy, mythology and theatre.
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    Second in command

    Constantine second in command under Emperor Diocletian
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    persecution of christians

    Constantine witnessed the persecution of christians
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    Galerious became emperior

    Galerious became emperior of the west
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    Galerius death

    resulting in a competition among many powerful men to take over the roman empire Galerius died
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    Constantine's army

    Constantine's and his army marched against Maxentius
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    Constantine's dream

    Constantine had a dream where if they fight under the christian cross they would win the battle. The next day Constantine painted red crosses on the soldiers shields and they dominated the battle as well as taking control of Rome.
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    Constantine forged an alliance

    Constantine signed the Edict of Milan so christians would no longer be prosecuted in the Roman Empire
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    Constantine becomes follower of christian faith

    After signing the Edict of Milan Constantine considered himself a follower of the christian faith.