Period: to
Consequences of W.W.1
Auto-Serbian Alliance
Austro-Serbian Alliance Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia to stop Russia gaining control of Serbia. -
Triple Alliance
The triple alliance:
Was conformed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. In an alliance each member promises to help the other members if they are attacked.
Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia. -
World`s second largest fleet
The German Kaiser ordered the building of a large navy wich soon became the world`s second largest fleet. Britain`s was the largest. -
Tension in Europe
One of the most significant couses of tension in Europe was the naval rivalry wich developed after 1900 -
Incidents wich gradually raised the tempeture in Europe
Between 1900 and 1914 various incidents took place wich gradually raised the tempeture in Europe: MOROCCO
Agreements about colonies in North Africa
France and Britain had reached a number of agreements about colonies in North Africa in 1904 -
Russia vs Japan
Russia lost a war with Japan -
Serial wars
In 1912 to 1913 there was a series of local wars -
War was greeted with enthusiasm at Europe
When war broke out across Europe it was greeted with enthusiasm. Everyone agreed it would all be over by Christmas (with a magnificent victory of course). The population of Europe were gripped by a war fever. Newspapers and magazines filled their minds with images og brave young men charging on horseback or heroic soldiers putting the enemy to flight. -
Austria VS Serb
Austria declared war to Serb on 28 July 1914 -
Russian revolution
Russia get out of the war -
Paris Peace Conference
Paris Peace Conference 1919 Although representatives of thirty-two states attended the Peace Conference at Paris in January 1919 to write the peace treaties, three men stood out above others: Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, Clemenceau, the Prime Minister of France, and Lloyd George, Prime Minister of Britain. These came to be known as the Big Three, for they eventually made all the decisions of the Conference.