Last year in October my family and I went to my cousin's birthday party. My cousins and I all went outside and played football. We played two-hand touch as we were supposed to and had fun. Then me and a couple of other people got tired and went inside. But my brother and my cousin, Walker, stayed out and played so more. The next thing we heard was walker crying because he had broke his collar bone from tackling. This was a bad decision because some ended up getting a broken bone. -
Engaging in Unhealthy Behaviors
Teens, adults, and children make risky decisions all the time and there are risks that can be dangerous to a person’s health or the health of others. "Common risky behaviors are: •smoking •taking drugs •driving dangerously •drinking alcohol •unprotected and/ or underage sex •criminal activities" (page 8). -
Engaging in Unhealthy Behaviors
A factor that can make a young person make a bad decision is peer pressure. "Teenagers are finding their feet in the world and part of that often includes a sense of wanting to belong and 'fit in'. No one likes to feel isolated or alone, especially when you are a teenager" (page 9). -
Preventing Making a Bad Decision
A way, and in my opinion the best way, to prevent making a bad decision is to be courageous and stand up for yourself. "It often takes a courageous and brave young person to stand up for themselves, to be an individual and make a decision that may initially seem uncool but in actual fact is a more ma- ture decision that places themselves or others in a safer space rather than a potentially dangerous one" (page 10).