growth of new towns and cities to support cattle, mining, and farming industries
1800 is when we all started building towns and prospering. Not only in that, but in farming and other things as well. America started to form. -
shift from “long drive” to “cattle ranching”
A "Long Drive" was herding a lot of cattle to rail ways. And Cattle Ranching" is kepping them on a ranch with MANY other cattle. So instead of taking them many places we just stayed where we were, We drove the Mexicans out for their good land, in order to do so. -
discoveries of large amounts of gold and silver
Americans pushed Natives out of their land, because we discovered in places like California that there was large amounts of gold, and was worth a lot. We wanted the money. -
Jesse James
During the 1860s Jessse was know as ther modern day Robin Hood, he was know to sleal from the ritch and be nice to the poor. Not only did he steal but he was also a cold-blooded murder,robber,horse theif, and a terriost. -
Homestead Act of 1862
an act passed by the US Congress in 1862 making available to settlers 160-acre tracts of public land for farming -
Transcontinental Railroad System
In 1862 the Pacific Railroad Act, Central Pacific, and the Union Pacific Railroad Compaines was approached with a task to build a transcontinental railroad that would link the Untied States from east to west. The railroad would be underconstruction for seven years beofre they finally met at Promontory, Utah on May, 10 1869. -
Barbed Wire
A clever new design for a fencing wire with sharp barbs, an invention that will forever change the face of the American West. -
Wild West Shows
The Golden age of outdoor shows begain in the late 1880s, staring Bufflo Bill. Wild West shows consisted of genuine frontier characters, real Indians, fancy shooting, and sometimes horses. -
Dawes Act of 1886
On February 8, 1887, Congress completed passage of the Dawes Act, or General Allotment Act, which codified for most American Indians the idea of dividing Indian lands into individual holdings to promote assimilation by deliberately destroying tribal relations. -
Extiniction of Bulffao
In North America Native Americans would kill and use almost every part of the Bulffao.But all of that changed in the late 1890s ,Bulffaos were being elimated by Eurpoean settlers. They slowing becoming extinct Bulffaso use of food,fur and skin was huge part of the peopls nature during that time.