Connors life timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    My birth was an exciting event according to my parents my umbilical cord was strangling me and they had to do a C-section. My dad was so nervous about me he stayed up for the whole day watching me. This is important because it is what started it all for me.
  • Started my favorite sport

    Started my favorite sport
    In the summer of 2002 I started to learn how to swim and take my first steps, I was a bit of a water baby. This event is special to me because this started me on the path of my favorite sport. It is always fun to swim with my family.
  • The first fish

    The first fish
    In this summer I learned how to fish, it was my dad who taught me how to fish. I will be ever greatful for that expierence because fishing is now one of my favorite thingd to do while on a lake.
  • Gone camping

    Gone camping
    In the fall of 2005 me and my family went to go camping in KOA it was a great expierence for me. I love to camp because of this event and have met many new people who also love to camp.

    In the winter we went to sand lake to go sledding. I did not know how to turn so naturally still went down. After gaining quite a bit of speed I was not able to make it down the hill. So naturally kept going straight until I fell under the ice in the lake.
  • First under ice fish

    First under ice fish
    This is the first time that I tried a new method of fishing, ice fishing. Me and my dad went out to the lake. After the first fish that I caught my life was changed, I now love ice fishing.
  • My best birthday ever

    My best birthday ever
    This birthday is important to me because all of my family showed up to the party. It helped to show me how much thay love and care about me.
  • The start of science

    The start of science
    This was the day that my love for science was inspired. It happened when my mother took me to her work to show me what she did. I thought it was amazing and could not get over how amazing it was. I have never lost that love for science.
  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year
    This is a very important New Years Eve because I spent it with my grandma. I very rarely get to see my grandma because of how far she lives so every moment i spend with her is precious.
  • The big move

    The big move
    This is the winter that my family and I moved out to our new home in Davisburg. I did not like the move very much and still miss my friends a lot but I have managed to make some new friends here in Holly.
  • NYC

    In this summer my uncle took me to New York to stay with him for a while about a month. It was very nice I also enjoy being able to spend time with my uncle also because of how far he lives.
  • Joining the team

    Joining the team
    In this winter I joined the Fenton swim team and loved it. It provided a good way to improve my skills and meet new people from Fenton. Also I wanted to see how fast I was compared to other people.
  • Big Bass

    Big Bass
    This summer I had become really bored with fishing it was not intersting to me anymore. It all changed when I caught a 13 and a half inch bass it was amazing. Also it has helped to rekindle my love for fishing.
  • Bringing home the bacon

    Bringing home the bacon
    Near the end of the summer I applied for a job at a cider mill. Luckly I got the job and now am happily employed there. This job has helped me learn the value of money.

    This was my fist day of highschool. Although I wish I could have done it with my friends from my old school I still enjoy being here.