My Birth
Biological -
My First Word
Cognitive -
I start Walking
Cognative -
First Day of Kindergarten
Cognitive -
Learn how to ride a bike
Cognitive/Physical/Social -
10th Birthday, Double digits baby!
Social/Biological -
Chicken Pox
Biological -
I Broke My Arm
Physical -
First Trip to a different Country
Social -
High School Graduation
Cognitive -
I Start College
Cognitive -
First Kiss
Social -
I Propose to Girlfriend
Social -
Graduate from college
Cognitive -
Get married
Social -
My First Car
Social -
Recieve my Masters
Cognitive -
Start Career
Social -
Have Twins
Biological -
Own our first house
Social -
Went Back to School
Cognivite -
Recieved my Phd
Cognitive -
Run First Marathon
Physical -
Mid-life Crisis
Social -
First Photography exhibition
Social -
Kids Graduate High school and move out
Social -
I become a Millionaire
Social -
I start a nonprofit organization
Social -
50th birthday
Social/Biological -
I become CEO
Social -
I buy a farm
Social -
Broken wrist
Physical -
Start Going Bald
Biological -
Social -
I write a book
Cognitive -
Road trip through Europe
Social -
50th Wedding Anniversary
Social -
75th Birthday
Social/Biological -
Alzheimer's begins to set in
Biological -
My Death