Conner's colonial timeline

  • Virginia 1607

    Virginia 1607
    they are building there homes
  • 1620 massachusets

    1620 massachusets
    they are arriving in the new world
  • 1626 new york

    1626 new york
    they have peace with native americans
  • 1634 maryland

    1634 maryland
    they are thankin god
  • Rhode island

    Rhode island
    they are meeting natives
  • conneticut

  • New Hemsphiere

    New Hemsphiere
    boats along shore
  • deleware

    there harvesting crops or planting crops
  • North carolina

    North carolina
    building homes
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    Making a cornfeild
  • New jersey

    New jersey
    A really old map
  • Pennsylvania

    The people are walking around town
  • Georgia

    Meeting natives