Connective Realities

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    Launch of the first version of the platform. We will have an MVP ready by the beginning of next year.
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    -Test our platform in schools, attain feedback, and increase visibility of our organisation.
    -Refine platform, in line with feedback.
    -Establish partnerships with three schools in the London area.
    -Set-up platform in schools before summer recess, so that partnered schools can use Connective Realities in their classroom in the coming school year.
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    School Year One

    -Connective Realities deliver a training week in partnered schools at the beginning of the school year, to ensure all teachers and students involved are comfortable using the platform.
    -Secure partnerships with VR hardware companies in Autumn 2021 to ensure the platform is made accessible to as many students as possible.
    -Make connections with organisations in other UK cities, and have the platform ready to be presented to schools in at least two more locations in the UK by Spring 2022.
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    School Year Two

    -Expand both the network of schools within and outside the London area by the beginning of the 2022/23 school year.
    -International scaling. Select two English-speaking countries where our platform can be rolled out, and work on adapting the curriculum and linking up with local organisations.
  • Beyond

    Ideally, we would be ready to launch internationally by September 2023. From that moment on, we expect the virtuous cycle of Connective Realities will steadily increase the number of schools and places where our platform will be present.