The beginning
Constitutional provisions limited the early presidency, but the personalities of the first three(George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson) helped shape it into a much more influential position. -
Nations banks
President Franklin D. Roosevelt had authority during the Depression and World War II. In 1933 Congress empowered president Roosevelt to close the nation’s banks. -
Roosevelt asking Congress
Roosevelt asked Congress to empower him to appoint an additional justice for any member of the Court that was over 70 years of age and didn’t retire. This move made 15 justices opinion the court. -
Pearl Harbor
When Pearl Harbor was bombed, another national emergency was proclaimed, and gave Roosevelt wider control over the economy. -
War Powers Act
The War Powers Act overrides the earlier veto by President Nixon, that called it an unconstitutional and dangerous check on his duties as commander-in-chief of the military. The Act was created as a result of the Korean War and during the Vietnam War. It says the pat the president had to consult with Congress when deploying American troops. After 60 days, if the legislature does not authorize the use of U.S. forces or provide a declaration of war, the soldiers are required to be sent home. -
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act
Increasing their role in budgeting, Congress passed the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act in 1974. The act did several things: It established a permanent budget committee for each house, which set up the Congressional Budget Office to provide financial skill for Congress. -
The national emergencies act
In the Vietnam War, congress thought the president’s emergency powers had helped the nation’s involvement in Asia. Before this many members of Congress weren’t aware that legally, many emergency powers had been allowed since the 1930s. So, Congress passed an act restricting the president’s emergency powers. The National Emergencies Act made procedures for how and when a state of emergency exists. Bey the act, presidents have to notify Congress when Before they declare a national emergency.