Balfour Declaration
This document laid the foundations for modern Israel. It stated the government approved of making Palestine a national home for the Jewish people. However, this document, made no mention of the Arabs who, at the time, made up about 90 per cent of Palestine’s population. -
Period: to
British Mandate
Britain governed Palestine, an area in the Middle East located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, under a League of Nations mandate from 1922 to 1948. -
Approval of the division of Palestine
The newly formed United Nations accepted the idea to divide/partition Palestine into a zone for the Jews (Israel) and a zone for the Arabs (Palestine). -
Israel Declares Independence
Israel declared independence in the part of Palestine given to the Jews. Palestinian Arabs refused to recognize Israel. -
Arab nations declare war
Almost immediately after Israel declared independence, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan attacked in a war that lasted from May 1948 to January 1949 -
Cease-Fire Talks
The 1949 Armistice Agreements are a set of agreements signed during 1949 between Israel and Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria to end the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. An armistice is an agreement of parties at war to stop fighting so they can discuss a peace treaty. It comes from the Latin arma, meaning "arms" (as in weapons) and -stitium, meaning "a stopping". -
Revolution in Egypt
Gamal Abdel Nasser leads revolution in Egypt. -
Sinai Peninsula
Israel invades the Sinai Peninsula and occupies it for several months -
Coup in Syria
The radical Baathist Party takes power in a coup in Syria. -
Six Day War
6/5-6/10/1967-After Egypt invades the Sinai, Israel attacks the Arab armies and wins control of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria. -
The Yom Kippur War
October 6, 1973 until October 24, 1973-This was a war between Israel and a group of Arab countries led by Egypt and Syria. The war began as a surprise attack on the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur. -
Camp David Accords
Sadat and Begin negotiate at Camp David followed by a peace treaty in 1979. -
Iran-Iraq war
The Iran–Iraq War lasting from 22 September 1980, when Iraq invaded Iran, to August 1988. -
1st Palestine Intifada
The Palestinian uprising/Intifada against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, beginning in 1987. Intifada is an organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another. -
Desert Storm
The Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait. The Persian Gulf War began with a massive U.S.-led air offensive known as Operation Desert Storm. -
Middle East peace conference convenes in Madrid.
The Madrid Conference of 1991 tried to help make peace between Israel and the Palestinians as well as Arab countries, including Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. -
Peace between Israel and Jordan
Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty ending 46 years of war. -
Second Intifada
Second Intifada begins -
Invasion of Afghanistan
United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks. -
Invasion of Iraq
The cause of this war was the fear of Iraq's nuclear weapons. Also people were scared of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. -
Osama bin Laden
The founder and head of the Islamist group Al-Qaeda was killed in Pakistan. -
Arab Spring
This was an democratic uprising across the Arab world that started in Tunisia and spread to Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.