Period: to
in 1845-1933
1845 - 1933 A.D. Period of European Anti-Semitism http://tinyurl.com/ka9yzvl -
in 1869
1869 First Jewish quarter of Nahlat Shiva built outside walls of Jerusalem's Old City. http://tinyurl.com/lf2d2px -
in 1881
1881 Assassination of Tsar Alexander II followed by persecution of Russian Jews. http://tinyurl.com/lyq99sg -
in 1882-1903
1882 - 1903 Publication and distribution of The Protocols of Zion (anti-Semitic propaganda). http://tinyurl.com/kagamwx -
in 1905
1905 Seventh Zionist Congress rejects alternative to Palestine as aim of Zionism. http://tinyurl.com/ll2fjze -
in 1914
1914-18 First World War (Arabs and Jews aid British to overthrow Turkish control of Palestine). http://tinyurl.com/k59yewt -
June in 1948
June In 1948 Palestine was divided into two states: an Arab state and Jewish state. http://tinyurl.com/pa64zsy http://tinyurl.com/ku2pqu9 -
June 15 1949
1949 Israel concludes armistice agreements with Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. Jordan controls the eastern section of Jerusalem and violates the armistice by denying Jews access to the Western Wall. http://tinyurl.com/n6ovtk9 -
in late 1950`s
abdel Nasser took control of the Egyptian government in the early 1950s.
http://tinyurl.com/lugr7y8 http://tinyurl.com/mfqydyx -
July 26 1956
on July 26 1956 Nasser seized the Suez canal company which had been under British and French administration. http://tinyurl.com/mcf4qo7 http://tinyurl.com/mfqydyx -
february 1958
In February 1958, egypt formally United Syria in the United Arab republic http://tinyurl.com/mq3l2v5 -
in 1967
Fearing attack on June 5th, 1967 Israel launched air strikes against Egypt and and several Arab neighbors. http://tinyurl.com/kuhmu3k -
in 1967
In 1967 Nasser imposed a blockade against Israeli shipping through gulf of Aqaba http://tinyurl.com/k5rvjjl http://tinyurl.com/kcprxbf -
Period: to
in 1938 - 1970
1968-1970: War of Attrition. Limited war fought between Egypt and Israel in which Egypt attempts to regain the Sinai Peninsula lost in the Six Day war. The war ended with a ceasefire in August 1970 with the same frontiers as at the start. http://tinyurl.com/k5c5ah9 http://tinyurl.com/mprzcoe -
in february 2 1969
1969, February 2: Yasser Arafat is appointed chairman of the PLO. http://tinyurl.com/kzazy38 -
in 1970
Nasser died in 1970 and was succeeded in office by Anwar el-Sadat http://tinyurl.com/p5bobht http://tinyurl.com/k8bqvrj -
in 1973
In 1973 Arab forces led by radar launched a new attack against http://tinyurl.com/yj6xsc9 http://tinyurl.com/m8zekee -
in 1977
In 1977 US president Jimmy Carter began to press for a compromise peace between Arabs and Israel's http://tinyurl.com/lyjffqd -
in 1979
1979, March 26: Peace deal between Egypt and Israel. Egypt becomes the first Arab country to recognise Israel. http://tinyurl.com/lxpctk3 -
in 1979
1979: Arab League suspends Egypt's membership of the league following Egypt's peace agreement with Israel. The organisation moves its headquarters to Tunis. http://tinyurl.com/mtaqoo7 -
in 1980
In 1980 Saddam Hussein launched an attack on Iran with poison gas with children being used to clear minefields. http://tinyurl.com/6f388c http://tinyurl.com/qelxm52 -
in 1990
in 1990 saddam Hussein's troops set many of Kuwait's oil fields on fire as they retreated from the country . http://tinyurl.com/lbpo9wk -
in 1998
of 1998 the Taliban controlled more than two thirds of the country http://tinyurl.com/3rprhad -
in 2001
In 2001 the Taliban was driven out of Kabul by rebel forces and republican bomber's http://tinyurl.com/3rprhad -
in 2003
2003 U.S. defeats Saddam Hussein and begins to rebuild Iraq. The Bush administration submits Middle East Road Map which is accepted with reservations by the Israelis. The road map calls for Israel to return to the pre 1967 borders that were indefensible then and will be now. Palestinian state is to be created by 2005. http://tinyurl.com/mmyd7a3