Conflict in Israel

  • First Arab- Israeli War

    First Arab- Israeli War
    This war was fought between Israel and a combination of arab states.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    The Six Day War was sparked when Isarael launched an airstrike against Egypt because they thought the arabs were planning an attack. When this war was over Israel took control of Golan Heights, the Sanai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem.
  • Yon Kippur War

    Yon Kippur War
    The Yon Kippur War was started by Israel shortly after the Six Day War in an attempt for Egypt to get their land back. Eventually the Camp David Accords agreement was reached which gave the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt.
  • Intifalda

    The intifalda was the arab youth fighting against Israel. They fought in West Bank and Gaza.
  • Second Intifalda

    Second Intifalda
    The Second Intifalda started when Hamas started suicide bombings in Israel. This also took place in West Bank and Gaza. This was why Palestinian youths joined forces with Palestinian security forces.