
Conflict in Israel

By TevinB.
  • 1948 Arab Israeli war

    1948 Arab Israeli war
    Haganah took control of Jaffa. Its 1947 population of 70,000 was reduced to 4,000. At midnight the British Mandate over Palestine terminated.
  • 1951 palestinian infiltrations

    1951 palestinian infiltrations
    The State of Israel was confronted by a wave of Palestinian infiltrations. In 1951, 118 Israelis, including 48 civilians, were killed by such infiltrators. According to Israeli army records, an average of 36 infiltrators were killed each month during 1951.
  • 1952

    In 1952 68 Israelis, including 42 civilians, were killed by Palestinian infiltrators. The Israeli army killed a monthly average of 33 people crossing the armistice lines, including 78 in March and 57 in April.
  • 1987 first intifada

    1987 first intifada
    Cartoonist Naji al-Ali shot in the head whilst walking a London street. He died of his injuries on 21 August 1987. It was later revealed that those believed to be responsible were being managed by Mossad agents.
  • 1991 peace process

    1991 peace process
    During 1991, 91 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli security forces, and an additional six killed by Israeli civilians. In the same period seven Israeli civilians and one member of the Israeli armed forces were killed by Palestinians.