Independence and War
David Ben-Gurion and other jewish leaders declared the birth of the democratic State of Israel on May14,1948 later Ben-Gurio became prime minister. On May 15,1948 armies from the Arab countries of Egypt ,Syria,Lebanon , Transjordan, and Iraq invaded Israel , launching the first Arab-Israeli war. The war lasted from May to December 1948. In the end Arab armies were soundly defeated. -
Regional Issues
Over the last few decades , major conflicts have erupted in the Middle East. Although the circumstances surrounding each of these conflicts were unique, some general regional issues include the presence of huge iol reserves , the growth of Islamism , and the conflict between Israel and its neighboors . -
Six-Day War
Israel launched air strikes against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan , destroying most of their airplanes on the ground. Israeli ground troopsthen moved in and rapidly defeated Arab forces . Israel took control of the Golan Heights , Sinai Peninsula ,Gaza Strip , West Bank, and East Jerusalem. -
Yom Kippur War
Determined to win their territory back Egypt and Syria launched a suprise attack agaist Israel .At frist Arab troopsmade gains in the war because Israel's government was not fully prepared for the attack and needed military supportfrom the United States . After weeks of fighting both sides agreed to cease-fire .Arab memebers of the OPEC declared an oil embargo to countries supporting Israel. The price of oil around the world rose dramatically. -
Peace Agreement
No Arab nation had recognized Israel's right to exist. Then Egyptian president Anwar Sadat wanted peace with Israel. U.S. president Jimmy Carter invated Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin to Camp David .Sadat and Begin reached an agreement known as the Camp David Accords.Egypt recognized Israel , and Israel returned the Sinai Penisula to Egypt .The treaty ended 30 years of hostility between Egypt and Israel.