
Conflict in Israel

  • War for Israeli Independence

    War for Israeli Independence
    The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 started when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate after the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    A major international incident that arose in 1956 because Gamal Nasser of Egypt to nationalize the Suez Canal, which had been controlled by Great Britain.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt fought starting on July 5th
  • Yon Kippur War

    Yon Kippur War
    war that began on Yom Kippur in 1973 with the attack of Israel by Egypt, Syria, and Iraq: Israel recovered most of its losses.
  • Invasion of Lebanon

    Invasion of Lebanon
    Israeli invasion of Lebanon is many of several Israeli military campaigns in Israeli-Lebanese Conflict